Paris Theater
4 W. 58th Street,
New York,
4 W. 58th Street,
New York,
60 people
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Please update, total seats 535 as per Netflix Paris Theatre website.
Paramount changed its policy on R&J. Frank told Paramount no to a roadshow run and it was done continuous performances at the Paris.
My error, if that’s the case, Howard. I figured if the space is landmarked (which I believe it is) it would have been unaltered.
My understanding is that orchestra seating of the Village East was turned into additional screens. The Village East is palatial and ornate, but I don’t mind the use of the term for the Paris. Look around at the plexes! Netflix programs everything from premieres and special events, from 35mm and 70mm, at the Paris. The theater is very special, yet would have been lost had it not been for Netflix.
Good point Ed Solero.
I would argue with Netflix that the original auditorium of the Village East by Angelika, is still intact and operating as a single screen, even though there are additional screens in the annexed space adjacent to it!
571 seats does not a palace make.
That being said, it is for sure a cinema treasure.
(I was pleased to see a half page ad for this theater in last Friday’s New York Times. Maybe somebody can post that ad here…?)
Why would it be a distortion it is the last single screen theater left.
More like a maisonette…
Currently being branded by Netflix management as “Manhattan’s Last Single-Screen Movie Palace.” What a distortion of architectural history!
Can’t wait to see “2001” here. I saw “Lawrence of Arabia” here in 70mm many years ago. Now I can see it again. This is a great way to keep midtown Manhattan’s last single-screen theater alive.
OMG Thank you Al.
Al to the rescue, as usual…!
Try this.
I just went to Google and typed in “hollywood reporter paris theater reopens” and the article appeared.
I went to the Hollywood Reporter page and did not find it
Only Netflix premieres, plus retros including a 70mm classic film series! If you google, you can likely read the article.
I cannot get the link to open. Are they reopening as a first ruyn theater or still Netflix only premieres.
“Netflix to Reopen New York City’s Famed Paris Movie Theater After Upgrades”-The Hollywood Reporter. Link below:
There’s no change here at all, for the past 3 years it has been the same arrangement! Netflix, Bow Tie, and others like a company that assists with projection.
perhaps if that link might have been adding in the original post, it could have prevented the kerfuffle.
Thanks Mike (saps) it was not here.
The Gray Man was in theaters, a few hundred sites for a week or two.
Unfortunately for Netflix, this $200 million movie was DOA.
big joe Netflix seems to only screen their films. Amazon is opening a theater too and I assume they would do the same. Netflix would do better releasing some of their films in a nationwide release. Amazon does a lot of theirs that way. The Gray Man on Netflix is good but it is streaming only and it’s an action film that should have been in theaters
is there any hope this might be a regular movie theater again? all it shows 99% of the time are Netflix films and for every Roma, The Irishman, Marriage Story and The Two Popes there are 50 Thunderforces.