Madryn Hall

Nefyn, LL53

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Madryn Hall

A community hall in the North Wales seaside town of Nefyn (Nevin. as the English would have it), close to Pwllheli. It was built in 1881, and became a cinema in the early days of silent films. It was closed by the early-1930’s when sound films were being introduced.

It went back to use as a community hall for many years. In 1963, it became a cinema again, using 16mm equipment, and playing once nightly, it operated during summer months. This continued until around 1973.

The hall was demolished in February/March 2006, and the site is now a car park.

Contributed by Alun Turner

Recent comments (view all 2 comments)

Capelmawr on May 6, 2010 at 9:39 am

The man who ran the early film shows was an englishman, Mr Greenwood, who moved to live in Nefyn, He was said to be a small man with a resemblance to Charlie Chaplin. He acted as projectionist, userette, and played the piano. To attribute him withj piano playing skills is perhaps an exageration, suffice to say he mainly made sound effects on the piano, smashing down on the keys to simulate explosions, hammering the bass notes for gunfire etc. He also patrolled the hall with a rolled up newspaper with which he handed out instant justice to anyone misbehaving. His wife ran the bax office.He ceased shows with the coming of sound.
It was a Mr David Sutcliffe who brought films back to Nefyn in 1963, showing films once nightly with matinees “when wet”. He worked mainly as a “stringer” for the B.B.C. and would ofter show his documentary films as part of the programme. He ran the hall as a “one man band”, acting as box office custodian, userette, Ice cream salesman and projectionist. Films were 16mm and programmes were of weekly duration. He also ran shows in the George Edward Hall, Cemaes Bay on Anglesey.

Eric Evans
Eric Evans on September 13, 2012 at 11:59 am

I’ve uploaded the now demolished building, please click on photos.

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