Salisbury Drive-In
36 Beach Road,
36 Beach Road,
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The July 17, 1940 issue of The Exhibitor reported, “Salisbury Drive-in opened second season, under new owner-managership. Ralph E. Snider is the owner and Morris Stein, Boston, is managing.”
The address for this Drive-in is 36 Beach Rd, Salisbury, MA 01952. Gravel Way is where the entrance road was located.
Please update.
Beach Rd & Gravel Way, Salisbury, MA 01952
The above address will map accurately to the location of the drive-in.
Here is a 1962 aerial photo of the drive-in, courtesy of HistoricAerials.com.
thank you Chuck 1231.I have learned one thing on CT.Have your facts right. which i try.
That must be the MONSTER in you.
I goofed it up on CINCINNATI 10 Cinemas.i even had a guy call me a name.So it goes,At least I try.
Nobodys perfect.
The way my luck as been running on getting facts straight I wouldn’t be surprized if someone comes on and corrects what ihave. there could be a SALISBURY DRIVE-in and a OPEN AIR DRIVE-In.
Thanks Mike.
This Drive-in was called the OPEN AIR drive-in in 1956. It parked 375 cars and was owned by A.Rubinstein.