Mitford Drive-In

15302 SC-200,
Great Falls, SC 29055

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Previous Names: Drive-In, Lucky Star Drive-In

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1961 Aerial Photo

The Drive-In was opened prior to 1949 when it was operated by L.E. Edwards. At that time it had a capacity for 200 cars. By 1950 he had renamed it Lucky Star Drive-In, still with a 200 car capacity. By 1953 he had renamed it Mitford Drive-In and the car capacity had been increased to 254.

The Mitford Drive-In is a drive-in I am pretty much sure I saw while it was closed for good. Before Interstate 77 to get from Charlotte to Augusta, one of the ways to get around was taking the state highway, and the Midford Drive-In being in Great Falls, South Carolina, was located outside of town.

Funny thing, I was with a friend and we zoomed by the drive-in and I bet I only saw twenty seconds or so, but clearly remember the Mitford Drive-In. Tall grass had grown-up all over the lot, but it hadn’t looked like it had been closed too long. This was in 1977 or 1978, when I first saw the Mitford Drive-In.

Years later while going to Charlotte I pulled off I-77 and drove several miles looking for the Mitford Drive-In in both directions, but I was pretty sure it was on the South side heading to Columbia. I never could find it!

Contributed by MikeRogers

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Ret. AKC (NAC) CCC Bob Jensen, Manteno, Illinois
Ret. AKC (NAC) CCC Bob Jensen, Manteno, Illinois on July 11, 2010 at 5:40 am

Open 1955-1961?

Owned by Queen City Booking Service 1955?

Need an address, more info and photos!

Ret. AKC (NAC) CCC Bob Jensen, Manteno, Illinois
Ret. AKC (NAC) CCC Bob Jensen, Manteno, Illinois on July 11, 2010 at 5:40 am

Open 1955-1961?

Owned by Queen City Booking Service 1955?

Need an address, more info and photos!

NYozoner on November 23, 2016 at 8:19 pm

Was actually called the MITFORD Drive-In, being on Hwy 200 between Great Falls, SC, and Mitford, SC.

SC-200 at Park Dr
Great Falls, SC 29055

Aerial photo uploaded.

May also have gone by the names Lucky Star Drive-In, and Great Falls Drive-In.

Kenmore on December 26, 2024 at 7:03 pm

A closer address is 15302 SC-200, Great Falls, SC.

A 1955 aerial shows the drive-in looking fairly new. With the ticket booth near the screen and one along the exit road.

By 1964, the drive-in was clearly closed with the residential streets constructed. The screen and projection booth were still standing. By 1983, it had been completely demolished with no trace remaining.

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