Hornbeck Theatre
125 N. Bell Street,
125 N. Bell Street,
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Celebrated a transformation by Griffith Amusements to widescreen and presentation of CinemaScope films on October 1954
Final showings for the AMC Classic Hornbeck Twin: September 29, 2020 with repertory showings of “Back to the Future” and “The Goonies”
1947 Grand Opening photo added credit Ron Henderson Collection.
It appears that only one half of the balcony is used for screening. What is the other half used for or was it not closed off?
it’s now running as a joint venture with AMC. listed on the AMC site as Hornbeck Twin. https://www.amctheatres.com/movie-theatres/oklahoma-city/hornbeck-twin
Griffith Consolidated Theatres, Inc., Circuit opened the Hornbeck Theatre , named after owner Adam Hornbeck, on July 10, 1947. It was constructed in 1946 but wartime steel shortages prevented its completion until construction completed in 1947. Eugene Gilboe of Dallas created the large abstract morals in the theater.
This is what the Hornbeck Theatre neighborhood looks like now days,
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From 2010 a photo view of the Hornbeck in Shawnee Here and Here.
Roadside Oklahoma site features both vintage and modern images of the Hornbeck & Penthouse Cinemas,
The Penthouse was my favorite of these two. The Hornbeck seemed to have not-so-good sightlines despite having a large screen. The acoustics were not very good either. Too much echo at the time. The Penthouse was great though. Intimate and nice size screen for the seating. I remember seeing Porky’s there several times with a full house each time. Only thing I worried about was if the building could hold the wieght. Still, a great place to see a flick.
The Hornbeck Theater showing “National Lampoon’s Vacation” with Chevy Chase and “Mr. Mom” with Michael Keaton in 1983.
Nice grand opening shots of the Hornbeck Theater can be seen by typing in word “hornbeck” -
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My wife and I live just outside of Shawnee. We travel a lot and always hear people complain about the high cost of movie going. We always laugh and then tell them about our “little secret” in Shawnee! We spread the word to families that we know who would like to experience a real movie theater without breaking their wallets. Last winter, my wife spent $10 for us to see a movie, two large drinks, and a large popcorn. Can’t beat that with a stick! To the owners of the Hornbeck, THANK YOU! You have made it possible for families to experience the true theater experience at a very affordable price.
I lived in Shawnee for about 1-½ years, 7 years ago. I only lived a short distance from this place, and unfortunately never knew it existed.
I now live in Ada, OK, and a friend invited me out for a movie. We went to the Hornbeck. Wow! What a great place! I love older architecture. I hope this place stays going. I’d love to go back again, sometime soon.
I am originally from Shawnee(40 years ago). My brother and I visited the Hornbeck/Penthouse every weekend of our childhoods. I have taken my children almost every weekend as an adult(depending on what is showing). Thanks for making our adventure so fun and affordable!! We miss Francis, but your lobby help is doing a wonderful job. Keep up the good work!!
Whew, that’s a relief. Actually, I was just there to see Amityville Horror. My wife and I really enjoy the Hornbeck. Mr Jones, was it muraled behind the curtains? There’s a theatre in Lamar CO, the Lamar, that resembles it quite a lot. It is also high art deco with murals and back lit neon and such. Thanks for the info. I’d still love a tour and some more history some time.
The Hornbeck is still open 7 days a week, just no matinees on weekdays. Thanks, Jones Theatres, Inc.
I’ve got some new pix of the Hornbeck which I’ll post a.s.a.p. This is a great theatre. I think it’s only operating on the weekends now, however. I’m kind of concerned about this. I hope it’s not in trouble. Hey, the rest of you theatre lovers, check this one out. It’s in downtown Shawnee. I know there are other newer theatres in Shawnee, but none of them have this kind of atmosphere! Besides, newer is not always better, especially when it comes to theatres. It’s too late for us in Stillwater, OK. Our grand theatre, The Leachman, closed in 1985, and is now a furniture store. We lost our little discounter,the Satellite Twin, too! Don’t let this fate befall the Hornbeck!
With the closure of the Ritz, this is the only theatre left in downtown Shawnee. My wife and I visited the Hornbeck this summmer, and it’s still a discounter. This is a fun little theatre located in the heart of oklahoma. Check it out!
I use to go to the Hornbeck in Shawnee, OK when I attended OBU in the early nineties. At that point it was a $1 theater. It is still in operation, and is a must see for theater lovers in the state. The main auditorium is somewhat run down but with some work could be restored to it’s former glory. The balcony was closed in to make it a second theater (unfortunately), but is in excellent condition, much better than the main viewing room. The stairs to the balcony overlook the lobby and concession area, and is beautiful. I hope that the owners continue to take care of the complex, it is the nicest remaining palace that I know of in Oklahoma.