Promenade 6

Belt Line and Coit Road,
Richardson, TX 75080

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Uploaded on: February 10, 2015

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Promenade 6

When AMC announced it was building a four-screen theater within a mile of the Westwood, Interstate took action and tacked on a 500-seat addition to the Westwood called the Promenade. With the the shopping center housing the now twin-screener called the Westwood Promenade, this made sense. The theater would become a six-screen dollar house under the name Promenade exclusively. The Promenade had an open house on May 10, 1970, an invitation only screening of Norwood on May 12, 1970, and a screening of “Let it Be” for the public grand opening on May 13, 1970. The stars of the next feature, “Banquero” were on hand along with the mayor of Richardson to hope

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