Era Cinema

Bordesley Green and Churchill Road,
Birmingham, B9

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iangardner on January 21, 2018 at 9:54 am

Hi David, My e-mail address is:

quellaverde on January 20, 2018 at 3:13 pm

@Ian, if you let me know the name of a social media site you belong to which accepts the posting of photographs (Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Dropbox, etc.), I’ll send you three photographs from 1958 you appear on and which you may well have forgotten about. I’ve got a named class photo on which you are standing behind Mr Barlow, and two of you in the Morris dancing group, again with Mr Barlow. Failing this, let me have an email address via this thread, and I’ll send you the three photographic files. Best wishes, David.

iangardner on January 20, 2018 at 6:33 am

Yes David,I did to Bordesley Green Primary School. I know of a couple of the boys you mentioned, but don’t remember Mr Barlow.I have a photograph of myself and other pupils in Miss Bucknell’s class in July 1955. Other teachers I remember are Mr Williams, Mr Allen and Miss Davis.

quellaverde on January 18, 2018 at 3:28 pm

Ian, were you in Mr Barlow’s class at Bordesley Green Junior School in 1958? And were you in his Morris dancing group with Mickey Overs, John Bolton, Robert Toomer and Alan Plant? David (quellaverde)

iangardner on January 17, 2018 at 4:30 am

I was 11 years old when the Era closed. It was just up the road from where we lived and was known affectionately as the Little Era. I used to attend the Kids Matinee every Saturday afternoon. There was the original Flash Gordon series, comedy from the likes of The Three Stooges and a Western. The owner was an eccentric old gentleman who used to get up on a ladder and wind up a clock during the evening picture shows. He also used to eject the Teddy Boys if they started making a disturbance.

Mike_Blakemore on September 24, 2015 at 10:17 am

@ quellaverde Yes you are right. Age… We used to own the Green Lane cinema as well

quellaverde on September 24, 2015 at 6:39 am

Jaiom, it would cost a small fortune; the cinema was flattened in February 1959. Whitacre’s Garage was build in its place, only to be knocked down and a filling station erected on the same corner between Bordesley Green and Churchill Road.

Mike, I’m afraid you’re confusing the Era Picture Playhouse – in the above photo – with the Elite Cinema, which was bombed into oblivion but never completely destroyed. Its ruin is still to be seen on the corner Bordesley Green/ Crown Road, 1,260 yards along The Green, going into town. The billiard hall is still there too.

Mike_Blakemore on July 23, 2013 at 8:35 am

It is known as Bordesley Green… There is nothing left of the Building. I had the Capitol at Alum Rock so knew the site.. a frew yards to the right of the building is or was a Snooker hall

Jaiom on July 19, 2013 at 6:32 am

just up the road, wonder how much it would cost to make it into a cinema again