Rivera Theatre

1060 St. John's Place,
Brooklyn, NY 11213

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Previously operated by: B.S. Moss Enterprises, Fox Circuit, Keith-Albee, Randforce Amusement Corp.

Architects: Eugene DeRosa

Previous Names: B.F. Keith's Riviera Theatre, Werba's Rivera Theatre, Fox Rivera Theatre

Nearby Theaters

Rivera Theatre

Located on St. John’s Place and Kingston Avenue. The Riviera Theatre opened on December 1, 1921 with Betty Compson in “Ladies Who Do” on the screen and a program of B.F. Keith Vaudeville. Seating 2,292 it was designed by architect Eugene DeRosa and was equipped with a Kimball 3 manual organ. In 1922 and until 1927 it was renamed Rivera Theatre offering B.F. Keith Vaudeville.

On November 7, 1928 it was taken over by Louis F. Werba and renamed Werba’s Rivera Theatre, presenting the Rivera Players repertory company in the play “Yellow”. The Rivera Players were in the theatre until 1928.

On September 23m, 1928, after alterations to the balcony to the plans of architect H.A. Yanick, it opened as a playhouse with Irene Douglas & John Lott in “LuLu Belle” and became the Rivera Theatre once again. The seating capacity was slightly reduced to 2,229. In August 1929 it was leased to Fox-Metropolitan Playhouses Inc. chain and was equipped with ‘talkie’ equipment to become a movie theatre. It was later operated by Randforce Amusement Corp. and closed in 1953.

Contributed by philipgoldberg

Recent comments (view all 4 comments)

Stanzinn on February 11, 2004 at 6:55 am

Was this theatre the Riviera? I remember it as the Rivera but I may have pronunced it improperly.


ERICJF2 on December 25, 2004 at 2:44 pm

I lived at 1143 St Johns Place and remember seeing shows (I think a circus) as well as some movies at the RIvera circa 1949 or 1950.
I think it eventually became a storage place for moving vans and then an A & P.

jflundy on March 19, 2009 at 12:39 pm

The 1924 Brooklyn Eagle Almanac has it as a B.F. Keith’s Theater in a quarter page ad.

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