Sheridan IMAX

Bath Road,
Bournemouth, BH1

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Torchlight on February 17, 2019 at 2:15 am

The Sheridan group also developed and operated two Sheridan IMAX cinemas on the island of Ireland. As was the case with Bournemouth, both of these were short-lived ventures. Dublin, Ireland (Parnell Centre) operated from 1998 – 2000. Belfast, Northern Ireland (Odyssey Pavilion) operated from 2001 – 2007. See separate entries for both of these on this website.

Buffer on February 4, 2015 at 12:12 am

The seats in the IMAX have been rehomed in the Shelleys Theatre, also in Bournemouth. This shows films in its programming, and restoration is ongoing in 2015.

Joe Vogel
Joe Vogel on March 10, 2013 at 1:56 am

This building appears to have been almost universally detested, judging from the plethora of attacks on it to be found on the Internet. This article from 2005, for example, tells of a television show which voted the Sheridan IMAX the worst building in England. All I can say to that is… if only.

I’ll own that the building was not very appealing, at least judging from its Google Street View, and it was surely inappropriately sited, but the worst building in England? That’s an awful lot of buildings and a lot of awful buildings. Somebody standing on the Sheridan’s roof with a hand-held rocket launcher could probably have taken out half a dozen or more that I’d consider even worse right there in Bournemouth— but there’s no accounting for tastes, I suppose. I’d trade our bland local multiplex for something that looked more like the Sheridan any day.