Your Theatre

3748 E. Forest Avenue,
Detroit, MI 48207

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nsortzi on February 9, 2025 at 5:29 pm

Google Maps shows this building still standing as of September 2023.

Rebecca on March 18, 2005 at 4:16 pm

The “Your” Theater is still standing. Has been converted into a church, and is painted a rather strange color – but it’s one of the few neighborhood theaters in Detroit that is still there!

Dale521 on February 5, 2005 at 12:59 pm

The Your Theater was on south side of Forest Avenue, a few small building west of Mt.Eliott Street on the lower east side of Detroit.

I lived on the corner of Forest and Heck Place, across the street and a very short half a block from the Your Theater, from 1943 to 1949. My small bedroom, along the side porch of the old farmhouse, had a window from which I had a good view of the marquee and front of the theater. As a young boy, I attended many Saturday matinee double features separated by serials and cartoons at the Your.

Wednesday night was ‘dish night’ and it was great sport for us kids(8 or 9 years old) to jump out and scare the ladies walking home after the movie trying to get them to drop the dishes. The word got out quickly and the sport only last part of a summer. Although I didn’t think so then, I’m glad now that we did’t often succeed in getting a dish dropped.

I doubt I have any photos, but will search family albums to see.
