Odeon Luxe Holloway

419-427 Holloway Road,
London, N7 6LJ

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HowardBHaas on June 13, 2022 at 5:40 am

My friend Ken Roe, who is the volunteer Moderator of this website, and I visited the restored foyer and upstairs areas (except for the auditoriums) last month of this theater, and we’ve posted photos. Fantastic refurbishment, Odeon!

davepring on August 27, 2020 at 12:22 am

This cinema has been upgraded to a Luxe. The foyer has been redecorated in it’s original colour scheme and the 1930s light fittings have been reinstated. The mini Cinema in the former restaurant area has been removed and is now a welcoming lounge space. The remaining seven screens have all been fully refurbished and the exterior of the building is much improved. Currently showing Tenet in most screens.

d8rren on October 9, 2019 at 8:13 pm

the refurb has started the foyer is closed

CF100 on July 26, 2019 at 4:57 pm

Addendum: There is a further “listed building application” that should be referenced instead.

Most changes are relatively minor; some details of particular note:

  • A document titled “McFarlanelatter_Odeon_Holloway Road_Presentation_P” has been added, which includes some historic photos, and a cross-sectional drawing with the original finishes labelled as follows: Panels – rich cream; Frieze – blue (“picked out” in gold and silver); Columns – black bases, “picked out” in gold; balustrate – carved walnut. Decorative elements of the circle foyer/lounge are also described.
  • New foyer colours: Dulux 10YY 72/021 (Warm Beige); Dulux 62BB 08/369 (Blue); Dulux 30BB 05/022 (Black) gloss; “silver and gold decorative paint.” Cross-sectional drawings and a photo are labelled with the proposed colour scheme.

  • The document titled “HERITAGE STATEMENT” has been updated.

  • It states that the foyer/restaurant link has been removed.
  • 1958 suspended ceiling to be removed from auditorium, due to its “[poor] integrity in areas [accessible] above Screen 6,” “punctured in many places,” and Odeon’s desire to “remove any future risk from the condition of the ceiling.”
  • Removal of the ceiling enables Auditorium ½ to have the screen raised “so that [the] viewing angle from the new seating can meet Odeon’s/industry standards.”
  • Old skylight (covered over) above stage house to be removed, new flat roof.

Confusingly, whilst “REV B” of the “PROPOSED SECTION” shows a new (higher than existing) ceiling above Auditoria ½, labelled “NEW CEILING FIXED TO U/S TRUSSES,” and the old suspended ceiling removed—the “REV C” version of the “PROPOSED SECTION” shows the existing suspended ceiling, labelled “EXISTING CEILING RETAINED.”

(N.B. I have not summarised any proposed external changes, e.g. new signage.)

The document titled “Officer Report & Associated Documents Final Report,” dated 25th June 2019, recommends approval. The planning database states that this revised scheme has been approved, but no approval document is included at this time.

CF100 on July 26, 2019 at 3:35 pm

Main planning application.

See the link to “RELATED DOCUMENTS” at the bottom of the page.

The works are outlined in the “HERITAGE STATEMENT” document.

To summarise:

  • Removal of Auditorium 3, which had been “[inserted] into the first floor foyer tea room,” to “[reinstate] the dramatic original foyer volume,” with expectation that this will “reveal the original balustrade, ceiling and fenestration.”
  • Shops converted to restaurant, “linked to the foyer.”
  • New lift to first floor and “corridor to rear of the circle” for “wheelchair access.”
  • Auditoria 1-6 to have replacement floor “to a new rake” (replacing the existing floor built above the original.)

The document titled “Dwg OD-HW-145-PLN – Proposed Section” provides a good illustration of the new stepping and seating, clearly showing recliners in Auditorium 2 and 4—the plans show recliners in all auditoria.

According to the “HERITAGE STATEMENT” document, Odeon are planning on making this a “flagship” site, combining heritage aspects with the (non-listed) auditoria fully refurbished to current standards, clearly implying it will be a “LUXE”-branded site.

The application was approved.

PhilipWW on January 3, 2019 at 7:42 am

Apparently Odeon have submitted plans to Islington council to refurbish the cinema.

Screen 3 will be abolished to make room for an enlarged foyer and the vacant shops on the side of the cinema will be redeveloped as restaurants linked to the cinema foyer.

The article below from the ‘Islington Tribune’ explains further. http://islingtontribune.com/article/restaurant-will-star-at-revamped-holloway-road-odeon

I do not know if the plans have been approved or when work will commence.

Presumable the cinema will be refurbished to ‘Odeon Luxe’ standards.

madorganplayer on January 21, 2017 at 1:04 pm

Actually the Wurlitzer had a rare Tibia Plena as well as a Tibia Clausa.Apparently the whole organ survived the bombing and was stored at the Odeon Shepherds Bush.But obviously by the late 1950`s they no longer wanted the bother of reinstalling the organ when the auditorium was rebuilt.The organ was then dispersed with some parts used on the Tower Blackpool Wurlitzer and the fire there.

Wurlitzer420 on December 6, 2015 at 11:43 am

this Wurlitzer had a Tibia Plena rank instead of the normal Tibia Clausa.The only Wurlitzer in GB with a similair Tibia is the Wurlitzer in the Opera house Blackpool

Ken Roe
Ken Roe on October 30, 2010 at 5:13 am

Vintage photographs of the Gaumont, and its Wurlitzer organ console:

Ken Roe
Ken Roe on July 12, 2009 at 4:08 pm

A set of vintage photographs of the Gaumont, now Odeon Holloway:
View link

Simon Overton
Simon Overton on December 28, 2007 at 6:06 pm

I apologize for invading the Odeon, Holloway, spaces BUT would dearly love to see any photos of the auditorium (original or restoration) of my much missed ODEON in SOUTHAMPTON.

My thanks to Kev Phelan (Aug 16) for the above link to the historic exterior shots of the (now destroyed) cinema I patronized so often!

Ian Grundy
Ian Grundy on August 10, 2007 at 4:15 am

A few photos from 1988 here:

View link

View link
View link

porterfaulkner on August 16, 2005 at 1:42 pm

Now just a shadow of it former self, but still an imposing exterior.

kevinp on August 16, 2005 at 12:40 pm


tap on the following link


And go to Odeon Cavalcade, select Odeon Holloway…. and see EXTENSIVE pictures of this wondrous cinema


kev p