Sunset Drive-In

2839 Highway A,
Washington, MO 63090

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MichaelKilgore on May 3, 2019 at 12:16 pm

There’s a 1977 photo of the Sunset at

jwmovies on March 8, 2019 at 3:43 am

Update: A more accurate address for this theater is 2839 Hwy A, Washington, MO 63090. This points directly to the exit road and marquee.

Please update.

jwmovies on December 8, 2016 at 12:01 am

The location is correct but the address number is wrong. Tanya Lane is where the entrance was located. The address listed is the residence across the highway from where the theater stood.

The addresses on the west side of Highway A are odd numbered.

Kenmore on September 4, 2015 at 5:16 pm

I’ve found a drive-in southwest of Washington on HWY A. The address is 2828 Hwy A, Washington, MO and the drive-in appears on a 1974 topo map in that location.

Today, the property is a housing edition with no trace of the drive-in remaining.

dallasmovietheaters on September 4, 2015 at 3:06 pm

The Sunset Drive-In Theatre was built in August 1952 and opened on May 29, 19 1953 with the film “The Lion and the Horse” on its 50 foot screen. RCA sound and Simplex projection were among the highlights. Fireworks and a horseshoe pitching contest allowed winners to get free passes. The kids had it good with pony rides and a playground. The 280-car drive-in launched for the Commonwealth Theatres Circuit which held on to the property closing it after a thirty-year lease expired.