State Theatre

492 DeKalb Avenue,
Brooklyn, NY 11205

Unfavorite 3 people favorited this theater

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getlow1147 on May 1, 2018 at 1:15 am

Yes I lived on Lexington Ave B/W Bedford and Nosrand Avenue as a child that was the place to be on Saturday Morning.

LouP on September 4, 2016 at 4:57 pm

I lived in the Lafayette Gardens Projects from 1962 until 1970 and saw a lot of films at the State. Who can forget such treasures as King Kong VS Godzilla.I remember the ticket taker being an older man who always wore a security type cap.

robboehm on February 12, 2016 at 12:02 pm

This was one of architect Charles Sandblom’s first projects after leaving Thomas Lamb to start his own firm.

robboehm on February 12, 2016 at 11:38 am

Uploaded an interior photo which appeared in the 1/12/1922 Exhibitor’s Herald from Cezar Del Vallee’s Theatre Talks.

RMORMINO on February 12, 2016 at 10:03 am

I grew up on Lafayette Ave. between Bedford and Nostrand and lived there from 1947 to 1961. Like many kids from that area I went to the State almost every Saturday. They played cartoons and kids movies, like the Three Stooges and Marx Brothers, until about 1PM. Then they would chase us out. As I got older, my friends and I would try to hide from the matrons so we could se some the adult films. This lasted until the theater closed down in 1965. By that time, I had moved to the Lafayette Garden Projects in 1964 and lived there until 1973. My mother used to take me to Friel’s on occasion. Friels was more of a regular sit down restaurant. There pizza was round and somewhat thick. Almost directly across the street was another pizzeria named Mini’s. There pizza was saucy and delicious. It went down like water. Anyway getting back to the State. I remember it being knocked down for a Welfare center not a community center. I’m probably wrong but that’s what I remember.

Love_the_State on August 27, 2015 at 9:52 am

to louieb…I just found this site and see that the comments are a few years old (2006) but thought I would try to respond anyway. louieb, I saw your comment on going to Friel’s for pizza on Myrtle Ave. I used to live on Myrtle and Nostrand/Sandford and went to Alberto’s pizza, we lived upstairs from the resturant, but went to Friel’s when he retired/closed. We went every Friday for pizza. That pizza was some of the best we ever had. This was late ‘40’s early '50’s.

Went to the State every Sat to see double feature and loads of cartoons for $.25!!! My mother got dishes there too… What a great place that was. I won a coloring contest there early ‘50’s, 1st prize around Easter. It was a big pink and white bunny. I had the measles or something and didn’t go when they announced the winner. They somehow contacted us and brought the prize to my house!!! Wow, 1st prize…

Anyhow, just wanted to respond to your comment about Friel’s…wish we could get pizza like that today. It had an oregano kind of taste, very different from anything through the years…

Hope you’re still around to answer back…bye louieb

michelemarie on October 19, 2007 at 6:28 am

Dear Lost,

Unfortunately, we never thought to take pictures, however the State Theater was located on DeKalb Ave between Skillman Street and Franklin Ave…..I went to Prospect Heights High School..I used to take the Loimer Street bus B48 that ran along Franklin Ave to Eastern Parkway to President Street, whene I would get off to go to school..I would pass the State Theater every day……..I was a nice theater……Too bad it is gone forever……..anniegirl

michelemarie on October 18, 2007 at 7:44 pm

Dear Lost,
I never saw the organ, where was it in the front near the stage…..I really do not remember…I remember the candy stand was right on the side of the staircase…..I really liked that moviehouse on DeKalb Ave. My Aunt Agnes lived across the street to the left if you were looking at the State. She lived on DeKalb and Skillman Street…………anniegirl

michelemarie on October 18, 2007 at 6:38 am

Dear Lost,

I went to the State as a child with my parents on a friday night…i will always remeber the oriental rug that went down the steps from the lounges on the second floor……It was beautiful and they had green colored lamps on the walls (sconses) They gave a greenish glow to the floor….it was simply beautiful. anniegirl

louieb on April 13, 2006 at 10:43 am

I went to the State Theater with my parents after having Pizza at Friel’s Resturant located on Myrtle Ave and Skillman Street. Sometimes we would go to Minnie’s resturant across the street. I remember the Red Oriental Rug that went from the restrooms down to the beautiful staircase to the first floor. then after the movie before boarding the Loimer Street bus # 48 back to Williamsburgh, my dad would stop at the record store and buy me a 45 rpm record of either Elvis or Chuck Berry. But that moviehouse was beautiful. Anniegirl louieb’s wife from Williamsburgh.
posted by louieb on Apr 13 2006

Ken Roe
Ken Roe on June 4, 2005 at 5:04 pm

The theatre you mention above with photo’s, located at 882 DeKalib Avenue is the Palace Theatre which opened in 1913. By 1917 it was known as the Empire Theatre operated by C&S Amusement Company. It had disappeared from listings by 1926.

I will give it its own listing by adding it as a new theatre to the site.

Bway on October 25, 2004 at 3:01 pm

Oh, and just to add, in this case those aren’t my photos, they are from a website I found on the web.

Bway on October 25, 2004 at 3:00 pm

You are correct, I kind of figured that since the day I took that photo znd posted it here, and in fact, I took the photo of the wrong “882 DeKalb” when I was there, I meant to take the photo of this building, which is actually 882 DeKalb Ave, and was indeed a theater. I had trouble locating “882 DeKalb”, so either the building is now gone, altered beyond recognition, or I was totally oblivious to it when I went by.
This is the 882 DeKalb Ave theater that i was trying to find out the name of, and any information would be appreciated:

Bway on October 7, 2004 at 8:29 am

I drove by the state theater site yesterday, and it is indeed gone, and a large building on it’s site, just as mentioned above.

Does anyone know of a theater that was located at 882 DeKalb Ave? In some section on this site (forgot where) someone mentioned 882 DeKalb, so it was on my list when I was checking out some of the other theaters in the area. Currently, 882 is a church, but it does have a high theater-like roofline. Any information would be appreciated.

Here’s a photo of 882 DeKalb taken yesterday

William on November 17, 2003 at 2:02 pm

The State Theatre was located at 492 DeKalb Ave. and it seated 1010 people.