Motion Picture Herald, June 4, 1955, “Mitchell Kelloff has bought the Valley, Fowler, Colo., and the Ord, Ordwar (sic), Colo., from Schumour Theatres.”
Motion Picture Herald, Oct. 2, 1948: “All male adult employees of the Ord, Ordway, Colo., are either licensed pilots or working to that end. The pilots are Hugh Haynes, manager; operators William Ellis and Gene Watts, while Dwayne Davis is on the way to being a pilot.”
Motion Picture Herald, June 4, 1955, “Mitchell Kelloff has bought the Valley, Fowler, Colo., and the Ord, Ordwar (sic), Colo., from Schumour Theatres.”
Motion Picture Herald, Oct. 2, 1948: “All male adult employees of the Ord, Ordway, Colo., are either licensed pilots or working to that end. The pilots are Hugh Haynes, manager; operators William Ellis and Gene Watts, while Dwayne Davis is on the way to being a pilot.”