Opera House

Superior, WY 82945

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July 1909 marked the birth of one of the greatest building in Superior’s history. The massive building which consisted of a kitchen, stage, dance floor belfry and several other smaller rooms, was erected by the Union Pacific Coal Company to occupy the needs of Superior’s population.

One of the most important uses was that of a basket ball court for the Superior Dragons, who did not have a gymnasium of their own. The large area, the dance floor, was more than enough for the exciting games. The enthused throngs crowded onto the stage and sidelines to watch the thrilling games, against A class teams, such as Rock Springs, Rawlins and Kemmerer. The play by play account was broadcasted from the belfry tower which overlooked the entire building.

Because of its outstanding performance in play acting and opera, the structure soon got the name, “Opera House”.

In 1944 the Opera House became known as a roller skating rink. It was run by Earl and Bob.

The Opera House met its final day on January 7, 1962 at 1:05 when it caught fire. The starting of the fire was the electric wires in the roof. When the air got to it the whole building when up in flames.

The Superior and Rock Springs Fire Departments were called to fight and keep it under control. The Opera House was too far gone to try to save. The heat was so intense that it melted TV antennas and scorched buildings around it.

Listed in the Film Daily Yearbook of 1928 as seating 300.

Contributed by Anthony L. Vazquez-Hernandez
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