Forum Drive-In
1710 N. Expressway,
1710 N. Expressway,
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Kennerado, I Can See That As Well.
Buildings demolished, site is completely overgrown – you can just make out some ramps and the trees have grown in the lines of the ramps.
Oh Okay.
Yeah It Is Pretty Small. Have You Went To The Forum Previously Before?
150 to 200 seems about right. It’s not very big, although it is usually tough to tell just from an aerial of how many cars it can hold.
The projection booth at the back of the drive-in usually, but not always means that it is relatively small because of the throw distance. But don’t hold me to that as there are a few large drive-ins with the projection booth way in the back.
Okay. So Maybe Someone Will Edit The Opening Year.Because Now I Believe That The Forum Is Built After 1962. Also Kenmore, Do You Think The Capacity Did The Forum Have? It Looks Like 150 Or Maybe A Bit Downgraded. When I Looked At Google Earth, Geez Louise It Is A Pretty Small Drive-In, Not As Small As That One 50 Capacity Location In South Carolina But It Sure Looks Pretty Small. I Will Say Maybe Around 100-150 Range.
NETR is an online source for aerial photos and topo maps. The next year they have after 1962 is 1981. The topo maps do not show anything between that time either, but then again topo maps often have old information.
I’d say “built after 1962” is about the best I can come up with.
So I’m Assuming That Around 1963 Or 1964 Maybe The Forum Might Have Been Built. Could Be True Right? I Wonder If You Can Find The 1963 Or 1964 Aerials Of The Georgia Area Drive-Ins. Since 1962 The Forum Wasn’t Still There Yet. 1956 Could Be Incorrect Now For Me. That One User Who Sent The Comment On The Iris Drive-In Page Is Wrong.
While topo maps are known for displaying old information, I’ve yet to run into an aerial photo that was dated wrong. Certainly not several years off like it would have to be assuming the Forum Drive-In opened at that location in 1956.
The same 1962 aerial shows the Spaulding Drive-In, but the area where the Forum is suppose to be is clearly still forest. So, I’m inclined to believe that the Forum was not built until the mid-1960s at least at that location unless it can be shown that the aerial photo is dated wrong.
Kris4077, I Believe You Should Take A Bit Closely On It Again. Sometimes Aerials Are A Bit Mistaken. One User Who Commented At The Iris Said About The Forum Opened Around 1956. Maybe If He Is Right Or You’re Right. But I Don’t Know. I Will Say Around 1956 For The First Until You Notice About It.
on historic aerials there isn’t a drive in theater present at this location on the 1962 aerial. Either the aerial is dated wrong or it was built after 1962 and there was a previous drive in with the same name at different location. There is no previous aerials or topos. this one needs some more research.
i see the same
The Forum Is Opened Right Around After 1956 I Believe, But Still In Operation In 1993. I Did Check On Google Earth And It Is A Pretty Small Drive-In. I Will Say The Capacity Will Be Around 200. It Is Closed Around 1997. I Can See Some Trees Growing Around Early 1999 On Earth.
I honestly could not see anything from any vantage point other than the cleared dirt. Couldn’t find a way to get onto the property, though.
The land that the drive-in was located on is untouched as it sits behind Speedway Ford. You can easily see the ramps, the remains of the concession stand/projection booth in the back, and the old entrance road runs just to the north of Speedway Ford’s Collision Center.