SuperScope Drive-In
563 W. Kentucky Drive,
La Center,
563 W. Kentucky Drive,
La Center,
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A 1955 aerial shows the drive-in under construction with a projection booth and separate concession stand, but the screen isn’t there yet. This was never a true “autoscope” that was converted, it was a standard drive-in.
By 1959, it was fully constructed and operational. And while rather sizable, I’d say the advertisements of “600 cards and 600 walk-ins” is a sizable exaggeration. Perhaps 300 to 350 cars and no seats that I can see for the walk-ins, so they had to stand.
By 1975, the drive-in had been totally demolished and replaced with businesses.
Colonel Clark F. Smith announced the AutoScope in 1954. He broke ground in 1955 and opened just moments later… on July 24, 1957. He ran it many seasons and even had turkey shoots at Thanksgiving time.
John “Bud” Robinson took on the AutoScope in 1968 for one season on a subleasing agreement. He closed there on August 11, 1968 with “Mary Jane” which turned out to be permanent when the Drive-In was vandalized just prior to its 1969 season opener. The 8 acre site was then offered for sale.
563 West Kentucky Drive, LaCenter, KY 42056.
The Modern Theatre section of the April 7, 1958 issue of Boxoffice ran a one-page article about the Autoscope’s efficient concession stand. Among the details:
The drive-in was run by Clark Smith, who learned the trade in Texas “before returning to his native western Kentucky county”. The Autoscope held 600 cars and 600 walk-ins, had a 105x52-foot screen, and cost $125,000 to build. It opened July 24, 1957. Cairo IL provided a lot of the patronage, but the bulk of it came “from Ballard County, population 8,545, Smith’s drive-in being the only outdoor operation in the county.”
Interesting that the mailing address was Barlow, because that location is much closer to La Center than Barlow, but I guess that it was on a rural route (Route 2) out of Barlow rather than La Center. Boundary lines for post offices do not always align with town lines or city limits!
I understand the desire to make the address an intersection, but the one currently listed is too far west.
In the photo, you can see the treeline running on the south side of the drive-in. A 1952 aerial photo shows that same treeline starting at the 3871 West, La Center, KY address and running south/southeast.
If an intersection is desired, then Paducah Road and Aspen Drive, La Center, KY is better because Aspen Drive is right across the street.
If the photograph is accurate, then the address was 3871 West, La Center, KY. It was located east of the Ballard Memorial School, which you can see in the foreground of the photo.
Today, the property holds a few businesses with the address being where the screen was located. There is no trace of the drive-in remaining.
With the gracious assistance of the Ballard-Carlisle Historical and Genealogical Society, I have been able to locate and download a photo that includes the Autoscope Drive-In from 1962. They believe it continued in operation until at least 1965. So far, the folks I have talked to do not remember it being an “autoscope” type drive-in, but they are checking with their membership to see if anybody remembers if it started out that way. They also are trying to help me locate a more close up view of the drive-in. Hopefully, I will have more information soon.
The name makes sense if it started out as an autoscope drive-in, then converted to a single, large screen as many of them did. But for whatever reason, they decided not to change the name.
Even with Cairo nearby, a 600-car drive-in seems awfully ambitious. My guess would be that they had plenty of cheap land to use, so there was no downside into making it that large.
While it is not unheard of to so totally demolish a drive-in that no trace exists, it does seem like overkill to do so thorough a job that they even took out the screen foundation and entrance just to make it farmland.
bbrrown have you tried asking any of the local historical society’s or library’s?
I lived in Cairo IL (about 12 miles from Barlow) from 1983 until 1997, and during that time, I tried to gather information about all the drive-ins in southern Illinois, and western Kentucky, but was never aware that this one even existed. I never heard anybody even mention it. There was one drive-in in Cairo, and several in Paducah, and though most of those were closed by 1983, there were remnants and/or memories of all of them. With regard to location for such a large drive-in, you have to remember that Cairo was still a thriving city of almost 10,000 in the mid-50’s, and so it is likely that it could have also drawn from Cairo as much or more so than Paducah. When I first heard the name “autoscope”, I just assumed that it was a traditional autoscope, which were geared towards small towns and small fields, but a 600 car drive-in would require a lot of land. It is interesting that he used the “autoscope” name, designating the smallest drive-in screen imaginable, to advertise the Cinemascope “largest screen in Western Kentucky”! It’s interesting also that it may have at one time been called Superscope instead of Autoscope.
I have to agree with Drive-In 54.
If it wasn’t for the advertising, I’d never believe that a 600-car drive-in theater would be built between two towns with a combined population in 1960 at about 1,700 people. Plus, about 15-20 miles from Paducah to boot.
Drive-In 54 has sharper eyes that me since I’m not seeing any place between the two towns that indicates anything approaching the size of the drive-in. So, it was totally demolished for farmland it appears.
That is going to be a tuff one to find. I think I know where it was at in looking at early aerials. I think you are correct about using the name “Autoscope” from what I can find. Clark Smith advertised for somebody to gravel/grade a 600 car drive-in on Aug 11, 1956. Found a few ads and Smith held auctions there also. 600 cars is pretty big and should be seemed on aerial views. But not… He was screening movies up to 1966..