UCI Othmaschen IMAX

Baurstrasse 2,
Hamburg 22605

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UCI Kinowelt (Official)

Additional Info

Operated by: UCI Kinowelt

Firms: NPS & Partner

Functions: Movies (First Run)

Previous Names: UCI Kinowelt Othmaschen Park

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UCI Othmaschen IMAX

The United Cinemas International Multiplex GmbH (UCI) chain was founded by Paramount Pictures and Universal Studios in the 1990’s. The UCI Kinowelt Othmaschen Park is located in the west Hamburg district of Othmaschen. It opened in 1999 with a midnight premiere of “Star Wars:Episode 1 - The Phantom Menace” playing in all 9-screens. It had a total seating capacity for 2,668. It was equipped with 35mm analog film projectors by Kinonton, with Dolby SR analog 4 channel & Dolby Digital 6 channel sound in all auditoriums. The largest auditorium contained Sony SDDR 8 channel and DTS 6 channel sound. It was later replaced with digital projection systems for flat and 3D in all screens.

It was designed by architectural firm NPS & Partner as a twin to their UCI Smart City multiplex built at the same time on the east side of the city in the district of Wandsbek (later re-named UCI Kinowelt Wandsbek & in 2018 re-named UCI Wandsbek IMAX).

In 2004 UCI Kinowelt was sold to Terra Firma Capitol Partners. Later in mid-2010 it was taken over by AMC.

In 2012 the i-Sense 24 channel sound system was added in Screen 1. The I-Sense auditorium reduced the number of seats for more space and larger seats. The projection system was upgraded to 4K resolution. “The Hobbit” was presented in i-Sense and HDR - High Frame Rates (48 frames per second) in the i-Sense auditorium. At the end of 2018 the i-Sense auditorium had the largest screen (200square metres) and it was remodeled into an IMAX theatre using the retrofit design of IMAX. The number of seats was reduced again for much more space and installation of luxury recliner seats. The cinema was re-named UCI Othmaschen IMAX and presents first-run mainstream movies in German language.

Contributed by Ken Roe, Kinospoter
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