Uptown Theatre
239 Huntington Avenue,
239 Huntington Avenue,
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More than a century later, this property has returned to musical use. The Christian Science Sunday School building, built on the site of the former Chickering Hall / St. James / Uptown, last year became the new home of the Boston Youth Symphony Orchestras.
You are right. It was the Symphony not the Uptown. Sorry for my confusion.
I just added a photo.
Prior to the opening of Chickering Hall on Huntington Avenue in 1901, there was an earlier, smaller Chickering Hall downtown. It was located, as of 1884, at 151 Tremont Street. I’m not sure if it was on the ground floor or upstairs. It had about 450 seats,with a balcony. Down at the right front, next to the stage, there was an exit out to Mason Street in back. An old seating chart says it was at 151 Tremont in the same building as the Chickering Piano sales showroom; but elsewhere on the chart it says “251 Tremont” which cannot be accurate if Mason Street was in back.
Larcron is correct about there being a used bookshop near the Uptown and the Strand. It was located somewhere between Mechanics Hall and the Uptown on the same side of the street and was a funky old place where I bought old copies of Railroad Magazine and Trains Magazine from the 1940s for only 15 cents each. This was in the mid-and late-1950s. Stores like that gave Boston character, in contrast to the antiseptic, streamlined, expensive upscale $$$stores of today.
I was very familiar with the area having been born on Hemingway Street. I was only 8 or 9 at the time, but I had a weekly ritual where I went to a used book store near the Uptown to buy used comic books. Then I would go across the street to the Uptown News to get the newest comics. Then it was steamed burgers at Joe & Nemo’s before I would go to meet my grandfather at Crusher Casey’s.
The Strand Theatre was nearby as well, and was considered a step down from the Uptown. Indeed there was a Brigham’s next to the Uptown. Eventually this was merged with a Fanny Farmers, probably one of the earlier attempts at co-branding. I remember the Walton’s nearby having an automat at one point. There was a Howard Johnson’s nearby, but it was furthet up Huntington near Wentworth Institute.
In a 1918 Boston street directory, this theater, as the “St. James Theatre” is listed at 239 Huntington Avenue.
This aerial photo includes a view from above of the Uptown Theatre, two buildings to the right of Symphony Hall on Huntington Avenue and on the close side of the Christian Science Center. You can make out the marquee as well as the scenery tower at the rear of the building.
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With some effort one can also make out Loew’s State on Massachusetts Avenue.
Or, more likely, he is confusing the Uptown with the Symphony Cinema, a twin which was a block further west on Huntington Ave. and on the opposite side of the street. The comments there make several references to I Am Curious (Yellow).
I Am Curious (Yellow) made the rounds of the art-house circuit in the late 60s, so is a plausible film for the Uptown. It came out in 1967, so dickneeds may be misremembering the year rather than the theatre he saw it in.
I think that when the St. James Th. was built, the auditorium for Chickering Hall may have been demolished for the new theater. Peabody and Stearns kept the original front building on Huntington Avenue and built the theater entrance and lobby in it. The external appearance of the auditorium and stage-house as seen from in back certainly looked to me at the time (circa-1960) like new construction and not an adaptation of the old Chickering Hall.
dickneeds- are you sure you’re thinking of the Uptown? It was gone by 1970-71, and was never twinned. Also, was never a true porno house.
I came across a collection of photos of Boston buildings designed by the architectural firm of Peabody & Stearns which includes Chickering Hall, so that firm designed the original building as well as its 1912 expansion into the St. James Theatre. (This page is large. Not recommended for dial-up connections.)
This PDF of a scan of an article from a 1901 issue of The Music Trade Review has two drawings of Chickering Hall. The text says that the original 800-seat auditorium was 55x80 feet, and the stage 19x37 feet, so the alterations to convert the hall into a theater with over 1600 seats must have been extensive.
HAVING been to the Uptown a few times when it became a PORNO house. I was there the afternoon in( I believe) 1970-71 when it was showing I Am Curious Yellow when it got raided by the police and CH7 was outside filming everyone coming out for the night news. I believe the Uptown was still a single venue at that time. When was it twinned and how did they do that.
Well, I finally found the matchbook cover: http://www.kevingalvin.name/hojocover.htm I don’t suspect this store was open very long as this is the only mention of it I’ve seen.
During 1959 &‘60 I remember a Brighams on Mass Ave. near the Loews State. Around the Uptown I recall Walton’s Cafeteria on the east side of Gainsboro St., Hayes-Bickford Cafeteria on the west side of Gainsboro, Waldorf Cafeteria, Ramona’s Restaurant and Joe & Nemos on Huntington Ave.
Ok, let’s put it this way. I know for a fact there was a Brighams to the left of the Uptown (facing the Uptown) because I worked at that theatre for 3 years in the late 40’s and many a time I would go next door for a milk shake or a frappe.As far as a Howard Johnson being there at that time, like I said in my previous post, I don’t think there was, not in that time frame anyway.
Thanks, but I knew of them. His first store was at Wollaston, second in Quincy Square. See the theater reference here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Howard_Johnson%27s I suspect that the enterprising Johnson open his next store in Boston to capitalize on that event and I’m trying to find where it was. Thanks for the input! I’m going to look for that match book right now…
cagey- Howard Johnson was a Quincy resident. His first HoJo’s was in Quincy, near the Wollaston Theatre in the 1920s; also another location in the Granite Trust Bldg (still standing) across from the Strand Theatre in Quincy center.
Actually, Wollaston, heres a link to that picture View link
Here’s a link to the first store, View link and the page it’s from details the history of HoJos.
And actually this is part of a bigger puzzle I’m trying to solve in finding the first Howard Johnson restaurants [i know… that’s not what this site is about]. This has become an obsession…
I’m going to have to find it, but I’m pretty certain I have a Howard Johnson match book cover with this address. This would be long ago, probably the early 1930’s.
I think that Jim L is correct— I have a very vague memory that there was a Brigham’s or a store very similar to Brigham’s near the Uptown entrance, perhaps to the left (west).
No Howard Johnsons in my recollection but there was a Brighams right along side of the Uptown that sold ice cream, milkshakes, frappes, etc.
This was around the late 40’s, early 50’s.
Not in the Uptown, but maybe across the street on Huntington Ave? Or around in back?