Tenn-Tom Twin Theatre

210 Broad Street NE,
Aliceville, AL 35442

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Previous Names: Tenn-Tom Theatre

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Tenn-Tom Twin Theatre

Down the road to where the Palace Theatre used to be, there is another theatre in the city of Aliceville called the Tenn-Tom Twin Theatre.

I cannot find a single sheet of information on this theatre. This theatre apparently began operating in the 1970’s just right before the nearby Palace Theatre was burned in November 1978. The Tenn-Tom Twin Theatre is located either next to or near a 2-lane bowling center. But as for now, the opening and closing dates, ownerships, and other features were either unidentified or lost as of now but will be revealed as soon as possible.

Any additional information on this theatre would be greatly appreciated, and will be updated as soon as we get information.

Contributed by 50sSNIPES

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robboehm on May 29, 2021 at 4:42 pm

This address currently houses the Aliceville Entertainment Complex. I have uploaded a photo of it.

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