Beverly Center Cinemas 13

8522 Beverly Boulevard,
Los Angeles, CA 90048

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Uploaded By

Tiny Ross Melnick

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Photo Info

Taken on: June 4, 2010

Uploaded on: May 29, 2011

Exposure: 1/20 sec, f/2.8, ISO 77

Camera: Apple iPhone

GPS: 34° 4' 31" N, -118° 22' 38" W Staticmap?center=34

Size: 1 MB

Views: 4,355

Full EXIF: View all

GPS img direction ref: T

Model: iPhone

ISO speed ratings: 77

Make: Apple

Date time: Thu Jun 03 18:04:32 -0700 2010

GPS img direction: 31312/165

Color space: 1

GPS latitude ref: N

User comment: { AEAverage = 193; AELimitsReached = 0; AEStable = 1; AFStable = 1; AFStatus = 7; AGC = 283; AWBBGain = 186; AWBGGain = 64; AWBRGain = 151; AWBStable = 1; AccelerometerDeltas = "(0.0128 0.0076 0.0138) @ 0.0200"; ApertureValue = 3; BrightnessValue = 2.891982639374558; CurrentFocusPosition = 0; ExposureBias = 0; ExposureTime = 0.05; Fnumber = 2.8; FocalLength = 3.85; FocusBand = "43.42 in [32.72, 62.17]"; FocusMode = 1; FocusPeakSumArray = ( 105806, 106506, 107445, 108347, 242382 ); FocusScan = "(0,25.79) (29,43.08) (56,43.43) (81,40.62) (105,34.18) 0.1s ago"; FocusScoresArray = ( 4895277, 4949326, 5026100, 5098398, 14360059 ); FocusWindow = "350/300 300x400"; FullyExposed = 1; ISOSpeedRating = 77; NoiseReduction = "S:4 C:8 Y:0"; OneFrameAEMode = 0; Orientation = 1; OverflowOccurred = 0; PreviousFocusBand = "32.04 in [18.35, 31.35]"; PreviousFocusScan = "(0,23.08) (29,19.37) (56,17.51) 1.9s ago"; SNR = 34.92133161713578; SensorID = 13904; Sharpness = 9; ShutterSpeedValue = 4.321928094887363; ispDGain = 256; sensorDGain = 256; "{Exif}" = { ColorSpace = 65535; DateTimeDigitized = "2010:06:03 18:04:32"; DateTimeOriginal = "2010:06:03 18:04:32"; ExposureTime = 0.05; FNumber = 2.8; FocalLength = 3.85; ISOSpeedRatings = ( 77 ); PixelXDimension = 2048; PixelYDimension = 1536; Sharpness = 1; }; "{TIFF}" = { DateTime = "2010:06:03 18:04:32"; Make = Apple; Model = iPhone; XResolution = 72; YResolution = 72; }; }

Exposure time: 1/20

GPS time stamp: 18443/2

X resolution: 72

Pixel X dimension: 2048

Sharpness: 1

GPS latitude: 34113/250

F number: 14/5

Resolution unit: 2

Y resolution: 72

Pixel Y dimension: 1536

Date time original: Thu Jun 03 18:04:32 -0700 2010

YCbCr positioning: 1

GPS longitude ref: W

Focal length: 77/20

Date time digitized: Thu Jun 03 18:04:32 -0700 2010

GPS longitude: 1181131/500


Beverly Center 13 - Last Day of Operation, June 3, 2010

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