Inman's Casino

Bowery Street and Henderson's Walk,
Brooklyn, NY 11224

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Inman's Casino

A vaudeville house pre-dating 1900 that showed silent films in later years of the first decade of the 20th Century. At that time, the Bowery at Coney Island was a warren of pedestrian walks lined with restaurants, beer gardens, dance halls, freak shows, various attractions such as wax museums, shooting galleries, etc.

Inman’s Casino was located between Surf Avenue and the beach/boardwalk, east of Tilyou’s and west of Feltman’s (W. 10th Street) on the Bowery (around W. 11th Street).

Contributed by J.F. Lundy

Recent comments (view all 2 comments)

jflundy on March 17, 2009 at 11:51 am

I have come upon a street map of the Bowery in Coney Island, circa 1916. The area today as pictured on Google Mapping is very different from this map of the area from a time when Imman’s Casino existed.

The Bowery was a Walk running east to west parallel to and between Surf Avenue and the beach side Boardwalk. It was intersected by a series of Walks running parallel to and between W.16th and W.10th Street.
One of these was Wards Walk. Imman’s was located on the west side of Wards between Surf Ave and the Bowey

jflundy on March 17, 2009 at 11:58 am

Correction to the spelling of the last word in above posting: it is Bowery not Bowey. Bowery Street exists on today’s Google Map.
From West 16th Street east, the Walks were:
then, W.10th Street
then, Sheridans Walk

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