Ambassador Super Cinema
397 Langworthy Road,
M6 7AH
397 Langworthy Road,
M6 7AH
5 people favorited this theater
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The Ambassador Super Cinema: The Story of Salford’s Lost Art Deco Treasure - (1928-2004)
In 2001, a group of passionate locals banded together to save the Ambassador Super Cinema for future generations.
They formed The Ambassador Project, and this is the story of the cinema and their valiant efforts to preserve its legacy.
Having a rummage through my old “Ambassador Project” files from when we tried to save the Ambassador Cinema on Langworthy Road and found the facsimile we did from the original December 1928 opening night souvenir programme for The Ambassador Super Cinema, so I thought I might share an upgraded version of it on here. (Best viewed on a tablet or desktop)
Interesting, Mr_BTH. I also used to work with Don Collier and assisted him at The Trocadero and The Imperial. His day job was running my local fish & chip shop on Cavendish Street, Ordsall, along with his wife and kids. He it was who told me that, as Snapes were closing houses, or converting them to Bingo, The Ambassador, or simply The Ambass, as it was known in-house, was used to store all the projecting equipment removed from elsewhere. There were supposed to be row upon row of the ‘Big Guns.’
The Ambassador was a lovley cinema. My farther was the sound engineer so we would go there once a month. I used to work with one of the projectionist, a man called Don Collier. In 1982 a freind and I removed the 2 BTH SUPA projectors. I rebiult them and used them in my home cinema.
As per usual listing status means nothing when money talks.
A couple more pictures taken just prior to demilition here:–
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Ive been driving past this building for about 40 yrs now. Fantastic building. What a great shame its now just another mini housing project.
We simply cant demolish glorious buildings like this, time and time again.
Salford council should resign, en mass.
According to the developers, this building had ‘little architectural merit’! I wonder if future generations will say the same about what has been built on the site!
This is what was lost…..
….and that’s just the outside!
May all concerned in this wanton destruction of our Heritage, hang their heads in shame.
I dont have any unfortunately.
Hi Andy
If Possible could you email me any photo’s of the insibe of the cinema looking from the stage area to the projection room and inside the projection room
many thanks. Brian.
sorry you could`nt save the ambassador.
what chance have nobodies got when contractors and councellers
are in the same bed?????
Hi Cath
Email me at and i will give you my number.
Hi Andy,
Sorry but I mislaid your phone number.
I still have my 15 minute Video of the intact interior of The Ambassador Cinema.
Cath Connett
Hi Andy,
Thanks, I’ll be in touch soon.
Hi Cath
I have emailed you with my details, i can copy it for you as i work for an audio visual hire company.
As always in these matters money always clouds the judgements of heritage matters.
Hi Andy, of course you can see the video. It is all that is left of our beautiful Ambassador! Please email me on and we can arrange for you to see it sometime. Do you know anyone who could copy the video for us?
Regards Cath
PS By the way we were in touch with John from The Plaza in the early days of our campaign and he gave us lots of advice. Alas, money won the day.
Hi Cath
I arrived on the scene a bit late, i wish i knew earlier what you were all up to, i would have supported you all as much as i could. I only learnt of the Ambassador whilst talking to an elderly gentleman at work. He knew i was active at the Plaza Stockport and mentioned the closed Ambassador. Having visited the site i was hooked and having found it on Cinema treasures the bug took over. Im 33yrs old but feel like i was around during the 30’s. Do you still have a copy of your video? I would love to see it. You really deserve credit for all your efforts! Regards Andy
Hi, I’m Cath. They never had any intention of retaining the facade, nor of incorporating any of the details into the forthcoming flats – will throw up the new boxy flats as cheaply as possible of course without any respect or honour for the landmark which belonged to the remarkable people of Salford. When demolition first began, Mary and I tied ourselves to the railings with scarves, we decorated the railings with flowers and ribbons and posters ‘We love the Ambassador’ etc. It failed to melt the hard hearts of the hard hatted men who serve the moneyed men in suits. And very little of what we have done and tried to do has actually found its way into the media! We all know why. However, my scathing letter did appear in Manchester Evening News Postbag Friday 16.4.04.
Our old Homestead website had to close cos we ran out of money to keep it running. There is another website – which people may wish to use (until a benefactor can help us put the homestead one back on the airwaves)
Two years ago we filmed a video of the interior of The Ambassador during a ‘site meeting’ of local bods and councillors. Yes we tried to bring our plight to the attention of everyone and anyone. Sorry though we failed. Met some terrific people though during the course of our campaign and I wish to pay tribute to the late Roy Pattison, to Mary Ferrer, Steve Lynch, Peter Blance, Eddie Rhead, Tim Thurston, Marjorie Ballantyne, Shelagh Delaney and many others. Big raspberries to those living immediately next to the Ambassador for undermining their efforts – one wonders why they chose to live next to a public venue then want it flattened – bit like living next to a church and complaining about the church bells ringing. Oh, well done Stockport Plaza – terrific place and terrific organisation. Shame we didn’t manage to keep the Ambassador in a similar way. Bye for now.
Cath x
1.30pm Langworthy Rd Salford
Ambassador finally laid to rest.
I shall miss visiting it.
Two pictures available from todays visit.
One partially demolished single tower is all that stands today.
2pm Uk time 15th April 2004
Pictures available if interested.
Still the same today 2pm uk time. I think they may start again tomorrow.
New site name for 7th april piccy's
2pm Uk time Langworthy rd Salford, not much change since yesterday, the team are busy removing debris which has been knocked down yesterday. I’ll be back on Monday to check their progress.
Hi Folks
Just back from Langworthy rd, i have more pictures for you.
Theres quite a lot more to do yet, they seem to knock a bit down then clear the debris. So i will keep you up to date as i get pictures. I estimate that it will be completely demolished maybe tuesday. Unless the team work bank holiday!
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/Ambassador_7404.html">View link
Hello again
Just been to the site again, no change to the building, the demolition team have been clearing the debris and i think rain stopped play! Or there having a long tea break.
I’ll have another look tommorrow.