Strand Theater

507 S. Saginaw Street,
Flint, MI 48502

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Previously operated by: W.S. Butterfield Theaters Inc.

Architects: George J. Bachmann, Charles Howard Crane

Nearby Theaters

Strand Theater

The Strand Theater in Flint was built on the site of a short lived nickelodeon called the Electric Theater. The Strand Theater opened in 1915 and closed in 1958. It was demolished around 1961.

Contributed by Lost Memory

Recent comments (view all 3 comments)

Joe Vogel
Joe Vogel on May 25, 2011 at 8:41 pm

Michigan Film Review of June 4, 1918, had this to say about the Strand:

“Lester Matt, of the Strand theatre, Flint, is planning to add a balcony that will increase his capacity 600 seats. The Strand is doing a phenomenal business despite the warm weather.”

Joe Vogel
Joe Vogel on June 30, 2012 at 2:40 am

A history of Genesee County published in 1916 includes a biographical sketch of architect George J. Bachmann, and mentions the Strand Theatre in Flint as one of his works. He also designed the Strand Theatre at Owosso.

The Strand is one of thirteen theaters listed in the 1915 Flint City Directory. Here is the list:

Bijou Theatre, 124-126 E 1st

Della Theatre, 521 S Saginaw

Elite Theatre, 312 S Saginaw

Lyric Theatre, 113 S Saginaw

New Folly Theatre, 2913 Industrial av

Orpheum Theatre, 513-515 S Saginaw

Royal Theatre, 203 S Saginaw

Palestra Theatre, 803 Harriet

Rex Theatre, 1206 N Saginaw

Savoy Theatre, 302 S Saginaw

Star Theatre, 1618 N Saginaw

Stone Theatre, Harrison s e cor E 1st

Strand Theatre The, 507-509 S Saginaw

A list of theaters designed by George J. Bachmann, published in the 1949-50 Theatre Catalog, includes the following theaters in Flint, with the year he designed them. Some of these might have been remodeling jobs:
Kearsley, 1949

Michigan, 1937

Della, 1934

Roxie, 1934

Columbia, 1920.

The list is not exhaustive.

Joe Vogel
Joe Vogel on December 28, 2014 at 6:01 pm

The October 9, 1915, issue of The Moving Picture Worldpublished this description of the recently opened Strand Theatre:


“Special to Moving Picture World from Midwest News Service.

“THE Strand Photoplay Corporation has opened the new Strand theater, at Flint, seating 540. The plans were made from the ideas of Lester E. Matt, secretary-treasurer of the company, who with Mrs. Delia Matt, vice-president, controls four-fifths of the stock. It is of fireproof material. The entrance is in mahoganized birch and the walls and facade are of stucco. The auditorium is in cream and white. The semi-indirect lighting system is used. A three-piece orchestra will furnish music. Lester E. Matt will be manager, A. J. Abbenante, musical director; Albert Brogan, operator; B. M. Berts, assistant operator, and Miss Stella Johnson, cashier.”

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