Hi-Pointe Theater
1005 McCausland Avenue,
St. Louis,
1005 McCausland Avenue,
St. Louis,
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I believe Hi-Pointe was briefly ran by Bloomer Amusement Co. In the late 70s
Theatre didn’t become part of the St. Louis Amusement chain until 1926, four years after opening.
1937 photo added courtesy of Kristy Nesslein.
The Hi-Pointe features two items which make it somewhat unique in today’s exhibition scene: 1) An operable curtain; and 2) No screen commercials.
Over 100 people for a Sunday matinee of Florence Foster Jenkins.
Open now.
Theatre is currently closed as the original brick facade is slated to reappear. Also promised is a rehabbing of the concession area and the seats. The theatre is slated to reopen September 11th. While the original theatre is closed, the Backlot venue remains open.
It has been announced that a second screen is to be added to the operation. To be called the Hi-Pointe Backlot, this 50-seat venue is not being carved from the original theatre but is in a separate building across the alley to the west.
This is a great theatre…one of the best I’ve ever had the chance to visit.
Add this one to the long long list of theatres I’ve driven by for years but never stepped inside!
A nice article appeared in today’s Post-Dispatch about the Hi-Pointe:
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It should be noted, however, that Warner Brothers only operated the house in 1934-1936 and that the original seating capacity was 756.
Never fear, StL cinephiles! According to the Hi Pointe’s website at http://www.hi-pointetheatre.com , this truly historic cinema is now showing first-run films such as Girl With A Dragon Tattoo and Inception.
The Hi-Pointe is currently showing THE DARK KNIGHT, so they did get a blockbuster! I hope the Hi-Pointe has another long successful run.
This theater has re-opened; here’s an article from the St. Louis Post-Dispatch:
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I guess we’ll watch for bigger and better things at the Hi-Pointe soon!
The final show under Landmark was Run, Fatboy, Run.
Thnaks again Landmark – for nothing!
Landmark pulled out of the theatre 4/17/2008. However, at this point it looks as if it will reopen soon as an indie under the management of the owner, George James.
This is a great theater. I visited it several times while on business in the area. I remember seeing “Strictly Ballroom” here in ‘93. The place was packed and everyone was dressed really nice.Then again, People in Missouri seem to be more friendly and respectable anyway. One of the nicer states I’ve visited. I remember everyone applauding at the end of the film and the staff was very nice and proffessional. There was another theater nearby-The Kirkwood Cinema-had a good experience here also but it was a bit cramped.
To set the address “controversy” straight: The theatre’s original address was 1001 McCausland. The Hi-Pointe cafe (or bar as one noted) had the address of being on Oakland or, even further back, on the Forest Park streetcar r/o/w. When the cafe, for whatever reason, was given an address on McCausland, the theatre was renumbered 1005 McCausland.
As a former manager of the Hi-Pointe, the actual address is 1005 McCausland, 63117. The bar next door is 1001. The theatre had it’s last sustantial remodel in 1963 when the Turquoise upholstered seats went in. At that time, the theatre seated 502. Over the last ten years, we have removed more for better wheelchair access and storage.
Theatre opened in 1922. Original architect was August Foell.
The theatre was remodeled in 1937, architect of the re-do was William Schlesinger—this the theatre we know today.
This was the only neighborhood house operated by Warner Bros. when they were in the St. Louis market in the early 30s.