Comments from rbtbid

Showing 26 - 50 of 64 comments

rbtbid commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 25, 2005 at 7:28 pm

Old timer test 2….Can you name at least four retailers that have occupied the space now home to Hobby Lobby on Main Street? What was the two minute claim to fame at Art & Vis' in the theatre building? Where was the second Mr Z location when they were still in the 700 block of South Main? There was once an “air strip” in Lombard…remember where? What was the name of the first “new” retailer to occupy the building built on that old air strip site? And name the others that have occupied it since.

rbtbid commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 25, 2005 at 12:10 pm

No balcony….and when it was triplexed it was two small viewing rooms and the larger main screen. Awful really. And even then falling plaster, sticky floors, uncomfortable seats, filthy restrooms, overpriced concessions, but then seeing a second run flick for a buck, who complained (except the fire marshall)? It was the beginning of the end. And always plenty of free parking right next door…or down Parkside. Really old timers will remember the gas station that was there along Parkside.

rbtbid commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 25, 2005 at 12:51 am

Sorry duper but no more responding to you as you add no value whatsoever to these discussions…not that there is anything to discuss at this point in the game with demolition contracts being debated rather than restoration and preservation. And who is this Lynch? Don’t know that name.

rbtbid commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 24, 2005 at 10:41 pm

Can someone please explain why vandalism, investigations, harassment charges, and all this other nonsense is allowed on a theatre preservation website that is designed to discuss the pros and cons of such projects? really need to put an end to the nonsense.

rbtbid commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 24, 2005 at 9:51 pm

Attn website moderator: Please remove the last postings by DuPage Dude as that list is full of inaccuracies and outright lies. And what does that list have to do with theatre restoration and preservation? Not sure what fantasyland “dude” is living in but it certainly does not belong here. The outright lies posted by “dude” only further the cause against the theatre and do not do anything to help them or the “preservation” agenda.

rbtbid commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 24, 2005 at 5:55 pm

RSC donation of $100,000 in lieu of “rental income” from the shoppes, in lieu of giving RSC the “ownership” of the upper floors and air rights to squeeze more condos into the so called historically significant building, in lieu of all kinds of things that favor RSC in the long run. Give RSC the $1 million in TIF and let them have the whole complex…even give ‘em the south lot for free..if they along with your so called experts can make a go of it with private equity! Problem is they can’t because without taxpayer intervention the plan simply blows. Key word that.

rbtbid commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 24, 2005 at 5:43 pm

Only $4 million in TIF? Really, was that plan A or B or C or D? Try more like $6 million in TIF plus the carrying cost that made the bonds more like $8 million (if not more). Oh, and don’t forget the million from the sale of the village owned south parcel. The question should be more like what’s not “taxpayer intervention” with this RSC plan?

rbtbid commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 24, 2005 at 4:47 pm

A couple things clear…not “Lynch”..whoever that may be. And if you can pull off this theatre with a million in TIF then you have my support (and I bet every other “detractor” that we know of will jump on the million dollar TIF bandwagon). The tragic truth is that you need upwards of $6 million or more in TIF for this plan to work Go find the nearly $8 million to fix this place up and $1 million in TIF will be gladly handed over I bet. Heck, even $2 million if you work real hard. The facts are what they are…without taxpayer intervention this project was going nowhere. No significant private dollars and no capital dollars being rolled into the theatre portion.

rbtbid commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 24, 2005 at 1:40 pm

RobertR…give it up. Can you prove those accusations? No because there is nothing to any of that. Far from backwards here….very progressive as we move forward (even without a taxpayer funded theatre).
Duper Supporter…not one of those proposals would have likely saved the theatre. It simply would have built something new next door while you continued digging for taxpayer funding under the disguise of seeking private equity funding. Big Idea later went under…so much for good business sense on their front. They dumped the property in its gutted state to the village not so much as a gift but as a gesture of “take this unmarketable mess off our hands…and our books”.

rbtbid commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 24, 2005 at 12:08 pm

Theatre haters? How about theatre realists? The reality of the situation is that your love for the place is what killed the place. Any chance of partial restoration has gone nowhere since the focus was always on the arts and not simple building preservation. Your continued trashing of the “realists” shows why you failed.

rbtbid commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 24, 2005 at 11:19 am

Waiting patiently for the village to come to its senses and retain the facade and grand lobby area for entrance to a new library and commuter parking promemenade. Imaginge shoppes, parking, library, restaurants, all sharing the space…..oh but wait, partial restoration is not in the cards. It is “cultural arts center or nothing” the way the theatre people think. Too bad they never found the funding… it is over.

rbtbid commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 24, 2005 at 12:17 am

As if writing letters at this point will make a bit of difference…where were the letters two, three, four, five years ago? Save the postage to buy yourself a Coke or better yet take a few final pictures and have them printed at Walgreens before wrecking day. And who’s Lynch? Not me.

rbtbid commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 23, 2005 at 11:42 pm

What five development proposals? There was the RFP for the south parcel that went nowhere since it was best to incorporate the theatre site with the south parcel for RFP’s at a later date. There have not been five theatre proposals….and the “friends” were supposed to find private funding to restore their theatre, not take the funds from TIF, the sale of the south parcel, and tax credits. They were supposed to uncover non tax dollar sources of funding but they failed at that.

And Rita…looks like you are losing it. The Elmhurst Hospital building is only four floors…the top is “architectural elements” only and not occupied space. And that building is a great addition to the downtown…such a gem compared to the eyesore called a once was theatre across the way that has a date with demolition crew in a few short weeks. Bet it doesn’t make it past Thanksgiving!

rbtbid commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 22, 2005 at 1:28 am

Kurt who? And what anti-theatre website is that you are referring to? Could it be that fantasy-land site at or the more real story in pictures at ? And what about that hot new taxpayer news site at ?

Potential donors? To what? The theatre legal defense fund once the judge tosses the suits and hopefully puts the villages legal fees back on the original filers.

rbtbid commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 21, 2005 at 11:34 pm

Life’s too short….seems your recent visit to Lombard must have been clouded by some false expectations. Not utopia but far from the barren wasteland you described. Well maybe in some parts but only where bulldozers are the norm as they are clearing away old run down house after old run down house to make way for all kinds of new homes down on South Main Street or how about the recently bulldozed homes and businessses off Highland and Roosevelt to make way for a bank amongst other things? Where is the outrage for the next to come down Riley’s (originally an Ozzie’s for us old timers)to add even more land to the major redevelopment?

The truly barren space is that run down “once was” showplace at Main and Parkside. Did you get behind the fence and through those front doors to see what long gutted wasteland lies behind that rusted marquee? Oh, that’s right, the village put an end to “tours” other than to hard hat attired demolition contractors hoping to win the bid to remove it from the landscape. Sad to see it go but progress is what it is….how many years does one have to wait? Millions turned away? Not really. How about millions short of making it a reality.

Find the right private development mix and make it work “Life’s too short”. If only it were that easy…they have tried for years. Do we really need to let it rot anymore before taking a turn on some real progress for this town? And if you have the connections to make it work call the village ASAP and make an offer…but do it without taxpayer handouts.

The facade is likely heading to Union, IL for the railway museum.

rbtbid commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 21, 2005 at 8:19 pm

Why is that all of you continue to ignore the idea of private investment in your beloved theatre? Talk is cheap Duper…put your money where you mouth is if this theatre is such a gem. Np private investment, no theatre thanks to our trustees and village president.

rbtbid commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 21, 2005 at 7:30 pm

Duper duper duper…your arguments are like a broken record. There is a big difference between 25% of the total cost of a $32 million project being funded with TIF and TIF being used to encourage new businesses to moving to the downtown area. TIF is not a bad thing when applied correctly…too bad your theatre won’t be the recipient of any TIF dollars at this point since your “leadership” refused to open their eyes to creative ideas for reuse. It was “cultural center or nothing” for far too long. Now that “nothing” is getting REAL close, the noise sure has gotten louder and louder (but too bad it is falling on deaf ears as the vilage has filed motions to dismiss your ridiculous lawsuits).

And why is that all of you continue to ignore the idea of private investment. Talk is cheap Duper…put your money where you mouth is if this theatre is such a gem. Np private investment, no theatre thanks to our trustees and village president.

rbtbid commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 21, 2005 at 7:02 pm

Avoiding the real issues Toni…typical “friend” thinking. If this theatre plan with RSC is so viable then they should take it on as a private venture. You and the friends fail every time when it comes time to put your money where your mouth is!!! Maybe the convention center is the abyss of risk but they sold the bonds didn’t they? Finance your theatre dream the same way…but wait, that would never fly becasue your finances are flawed and dependent on village handouts.

What is the first letter in TIF stand for? T IS FOR TAX.

rbtbid commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 21, 2005 at 6:15 pm

Take care of it? How? No reason this project won’t succeed? Of course not since it will be at the taxpayers expense! And Jam came in, typical of the friends, a day late and $8 million short. Where was all this pent up enthusiasm for the project a year ago, two years ago, five years ago? Faced with demolition, suddenly all this comes out of the woodwork. And if it were such a landmark project then RSC and Coffey can take all the risks and bask in all the glory of its PROFITABLE operation as JAM books it solid leaving only Mondays for dance recitals and the community.

When it comes to putting your money where your mouths are, you all clam up real fast. The finances stink and without unprecendented village intervention via TIF, the project goes nowhere. Take a million in TIF and make the rest a PRIVATE venture…act fast as that is the roar of bulldozers marching down Main Street we hear in the distance.

And the best development this town has ever seen? If this was the best that could happen then it should have happened without TIF…the only thing that made it best was it put all the risk to the village and NOT to RSC or Coffey.

rbtbid commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 21, 2005 at 5:44 pm

And Toni…glad to see you’ve been on this preservation board for so long. Wow, has it been even 12 hours that you have had access to posting here? Where has your love for the place been for the past ten years? Did you suddenly see the light or did your mind get “theatre-ized” by a neighbor who falsely accused the vilage board of open meeting act violations among other things?

rbtbid commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 21, 2005 at 5:37 pm

Well RobertR…it is what it is. Come see for yourself but wear a hard hat due to falling bricks, terra cotta, and plaster. And the plan of being able to sit back in big single screen theatre was not part of this plan. It was not going to be an arts theatre but instead a “rented house” for who knows what. Maybe the childrens dance recitals one night, the local community theatre another night, and anyone else they claim will be lining up to rent the place….never mind the fact that the high school has two auditoriums ready for use at a moments notice. And you are right there has to be art and humanity..but not resting on the shoulders of the taxpayers. All you preservation zealots need to put your money where your mouth is cheap, restoration takes millions. Pony up the funds to help save “the past” or stay out of it.

rbtbid commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 21, 2005 at 4:58 pm

Toni..the joy of the internet is you are just one click away from avoiding this issue if the “negative banter”, in your humble opinion, “does not belong on your wonderful site”. Go to the top of your browser, click the back button, and go is that easy.

The dialogue here is quite amusing really…just goes to show the extent some people will go for a decrepit old theatre. As the editorial in the local papers have said time and time again..just because its old is it worth keeping! Unless some big money is coming into town in the next few weeks to save the day, you can bet this theatre will not make it to 2006.

rbtbid commented about DuPage Theater on Jun 13, 2005 at 1:33 pm

I can’t help but wonder if this site is run by the same group that FAILED at restoring the Dupage? Better grab a brick before they are all hauled away to the dump.

And how interesting that comments “against” the theatre get removed within minutes. Typical of the entitlist thinking of preservationists of rundown dumps. One only needs to see that a whopping 60 people showed up at a rally to save the theatre…from a town of 40,000+ people. The usual ranters with the usual sad message. It’s over. And Sebby is the new superhero for most Lombard residents..except for maybe the 60 theatre supporters (if that) left.

rbtbid commented about DuPage Theater on Jun 3, 2005 at 1:38 pm

The village board listened to the residents and not the passionate pleas of a few dozen supporters. As one resident said it best..this project is on life support and it is time to pull the plug. As much as this could be looked at as a loss of a cinema treasure (as run down as it is), it should instead be looked at as an opportunity to clear downtown of an unfunded eyesore that has plaqued that corner in its current sorry state for over five years. The supporters failed again with the the current plan even after last minute changes to close the $3.5 million funding gap (but it was still dependent on $8 million in TIF!). The private financial support is simply non-existent for this project…find a deep pocketed white knight to save the day without taking the village to the cleaners and the theatre is yours. Better hurry though……time is not on your side.

rbtbid commented about DuPage Theater on Apr 3, 2005 at 2:23 pm

TIF is designated to entice continued PRIVATE investment…not public. Give the TIF funds to PRIVATE development initiatives and go to town. Reread the post to undersatnd that we support TIF investment in the theatre but want PRIVATE ENTERPRISE to take the lead…not the “foundation”:
Let the village give away the building, the land (worth well over a million), and the remaining $900,0000 in TIF to a private investor and all will support the plan. The issue is that 99 percent of the restoration is coming from TAX sources one way or another. The village simply cannnot afford to be in the theatre business. But they sure can afford to give away the gift if some private venture is willing to take on all the risks. That has been our mantra for years now.

And if you visit the other website, you will see for yourself the nonsense the so called “friends” drag into this. Enjoy!