National Theatre

10925 Lindbrook Drive,
Los Angeles, CA 90024

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armandphotography on June 20, 2007 at 1:30 pm

midnite shows
The Exorcist june 22,23
Fightclub june 29,30
Trainspotting july 6,7
Goodfellas july 13, 14
Pulpfiction july 20
Reservior Dogs july 21
Spirited Away july 27,28
The Wall aug 3,4
North by Northwest aug 10
Terminator 2 aug 11
Snatch aug 24,25
The Warriors aug 31, sept 1

AlanSanborn on June 15, 2007 at 8:15 am

Armand, it’s a pleasure to meet you! Thank you so much for your efforts regarding midnight shows. There are so many films I’d love to see, I hardly know where to start so I’ll just mention one right now. Any chance that with the 4th of July coming up, you could get a showing of 1776? That was one of the first films I ever saw at The National and seems an obvious choice for this time of year. It was screened a couple of years back at the Egyptian so a print must still exist.

Great news, by the way, about Sicko coming to the National! I can’t wait for that! I think you’re going to have your first huge hit!

Best wishes,

Alan Sanborn

armandphotography on June 14, 2007 at 9:32 pm

D. Packard, I used to assist manage national and festival when mann still had it (national). I have wanted to do midnite shows but they never wanted too. Now I’m the GM for the National and the owners are letting me do what I want with the late shows. So again if anyone wants anything let me know. I’ll try to do what I can and I will post all the shows. Oh and Sicko will be opening at national june 29th.

armandphotography on June 14, 2007 at 9:29 pm

Mark, the los angeles film festival are showing a few movies and a couple of premieres june 21-july 1. Joshua, Transformers, Ghost something? and a few others. 70mm not sure yet. I’m still trying to get fridays and sats booked for midnite shows.

JSA on June 14, 2007 at 1:11 pm

Don’t know if this was asked earlier, but is the National still capable of screening 70 mm? If so, they definetely should run a special 70 mm series or festival. The titles are out there. It would be awesome to see “Baraka”, “Patton”, “Grand Prix”, “2001” and many others on that screen.


Damon Packard
Damon Packard on June 14, 2007 at 1:04 pm

wow free drink popcorn & hot dog with an $8 admission? Midnight shows starting right away. it sounds too good to be true. Very cool of you guys,..did the folks from this board inspire the whole thing? Was it us? How did this come about? Did Cinematreasures save the day? I still can’t believe it, my only little suggestion is, try and occasionally schedule lesser popular mainstream films (ala Pulp Fiction, Reservoir Dogs, etc) grant it they may be safe seat fillers, it’s the kind of material that’s shown all too often, it seems like the Rialto or Nuart shows that stuff every other month and i would think everyone’s seen them a million times already. There are some good suggestions for midnight shows on this board, (70’s disaster films, 70’s/80’s sci-fi-fantasy films, etc) double features are absolutely a good idea. Take a look above at that master list (Michael Coate posted) of all the films that played at the National back in the glory days, thats a good template to use for prints to search for. Thanks much for bringing in midnight shows

markinthedark on June 14, 2007 at 12:36 pm

Phillip, what is the film festival of which you speak? Does the the National have a website? When is the festival and what is the theme? Any 70mm in the future?

mistertopps on June 14, 2007 at 12:34 pm

That is so awesome.

armandphotography on June 14, 2007 at 12:31 pm

Oh and we are trying to get The Exorcist for opening night of Film Festival. Check in during that week we will also have double features like a grindhouse of Exorcist/Jaws during our open days that week. We are still trying to confirm these dates! When I get some more time I will post the list of movies we have confirmed for the Film Festival.

armandphotography on June 14, 2007 at 12:27 pm

Hey Kids I have midnight movies in the works so far I’ve confirmed
Goodfellas 7/13/07
Pulpfiction 7/20/07
Reservior Dogs 7/21/07
Spirited Away 7/27/07
The Wall 8/3/07
North by Northwest 8/10/07
The Warriors 8/31/07
I have more on the way!
admission $8 includes 1 hotdog, 1 46oz. popcorn, 1 16oz. fountain drink
shows will start after the last regular show lets out. between 11:55pm – 12:40am
I will try to schedule it so we can have 12 am shows. If anyone wants a certain movie or some diffenrent kind of candy let me know You can come down and let comments for me at the national my name is philllip.

kalyssto on June 14, 2007 at 6:36 am

yes. John Cusack and Samuel L. Jackson. 6/12. I have a few pics, but looks like this site is only text.

Michael Furlinger
Michael Furlinger on June 13, 2007 at 6:54 pm

I love Brainstorm ,it has never got the credit it is due……….

Damon Packard
Damon Packard on June 13, 2007 at 6:49 pm

oh yea I remember when it was there in ‘83 prior to Brainstorm. Brainstorm btw was quite spectacular to see at the National in Super70mm. sigh, sigh, those were the days

Michael Furlinger
Michael Furlinger on June 13, 2007 at 6:41 pm

any web site for the new owners?

Coate on June 13, 2007 at 6:39 pm

“Wow! All this activity today and not once person mentioning that Raiders of the Lost Ark opened at the National 26 years ago today!” — AlanSanborn

If it makes you feel any better, I’ll mention that yesterday to celebrate I pulled out my “Raiders” DVD and my old “Making Of Raiders” VHS.

And, if you’re in the mood to reminisce about seeing “Raiders” at the NATIONAL, may I suggest backtracking to my post of May 14 and observe the film’s three entries on the list of films that have played the NATIONAL over the years.

As you may recall, “Raiders” initially played a very successful 16-week run from June 12-Oct. 1, 1981 (plus there was a sneak preview showing on June 5). Then, after a brief run of two other films, “Raiders” returned for a month-long booking. And, in 1983, it played another engagement prior to “Brainstorm.”

Damon Packard
Damon Packard on June 13, 2007 at 4:50 pm

no kidding, Chasing Ghosts eh. I’m gonna have to check that out, was very much a part of that scene. (I was 2nd place state champion at Defender in 1981) Been watching episodes of “Starcade” lately too, a show i never even knew existed. I still want to make a film called “Sinistar”

mistertopps on June 13, 2007 at 4:28 pm

They’re also playing this great documentary about the world of 1980’s arcade games at the National called Chasing Ghosts. It’s a really fun movie, and will be that much more fun at such an awesomely dated-looking theatre.

markinthedark on June 13, 2007 at 4:26 pm

Yet it the Transformers will probably open at the Avco…

Damon Packard
Damon Packard on June 13, 2007 at 4:19 pm

Mr Topps, thanks for the info, I checked the LA Film Fest online schedule, yea it’s playing on the 31st. I remember seeing it at LACMA in sensurround several years back, they brought in the inventor to discuss it, had a rare 4 track mag print of it. Some interesting things on that schedule, also looks like their premiering Transformers in DLP SuperHD at the NATIONAL later this month! Finally making good use of the theatre, if only for a few special screenings

AlanSanborn on June 13, 2007 at 11:45 am

Re: Lucas’s divorce. I tend to agree that this must have had a big impact on Lucas. Up through Raiders, pretty much everything he did was brilliant. (Well, I’m a moderate THX-1138 fan but certainly everything after that!) Then he gets involved in his divorce and we get Return of the Jedi. Mind you, I love Jedi but if ever a film was in need of another script draft… Anyway, I’ve just always had the feeling that Lucas stopped paying as much attention around that time as we got Jedi and Temple of Doom back to back, both considerably off the sharp tone and wit of their predecessors. Of course, this doesn’t explain why Spielberg would have let a lesser product slip out.

I’ve always figured that both Lucas and Spielberg just really wanted to try something different with Temple of Doom and they got a little blasted for it. Of course, the thing that they were always blasted for was the violence and the intensity of the Temple ritual sequences. Those, in my opinon, are some of the things that work very well in Temple of Doom. It’s great when it’s serious. It’s the goofy nature of much of the humor (frequently relating to Willie Scott) that bothers me.

Best wishes,

Alan Sanborn

mistertopps on June 13, 2007 at 10:04 am

D. Packard— FYI Earthquake is actually screening in Sensurround later this month in Westwood at the UCLA James Bridges Theatre as part of the LA Film Fest.

William on June 13, 2007 at 6:37 am

To answer Joel’s question as to were are these prints that National Film Service stored. They send many titles to the new film transit / storage companies (ETS/TES/FilmTreat). But many of the older exchange titles that were stored were junked, becuase the studios no longer needed to pay storage. As for the older 70MM titles many were sent back to the studios to patch together prints and the rest were junked. I visited the NFS Los Angeles location during the final closing. There was hundreds of prints left tobe destroyed.

neeb on June 13, 2007 at 2:18 am

If I remember correctly, Spielberg shot and edited Temple right around the time of his divorce- which cost him $100M 1984 dollars.
Which partially explains why we went from the interesting and watchable Marion to the utter dingbat that was Willie Scott…

AlanSanborn on June 12, 2007 at 10:45 pm

I understand the argument that Temple of Doom is a better film. It’s certainly a more original and inventive film than Last Crusade. But that’s both it’s blessing and it’s curse. As a film on it’s own, it’s a lot of fun. As a series entry, it’s woefully lacking!

They made it a Prequel, in my opinion, simply to alleviate themselves of having to worry about anything that had been established in Raiders. But really that boils down to no Marion, which is too bad, because she’s an infinitely more interesting heroine than Willie Scott. They didn’t even take advantage of the fact that a prequel would have allowed them to bring Belloch back!

The bottom line is that Temple of Doom just has a completely different tone than Raiders. Raiders, for all it’s amazing stunts and effects, always has one foot grounded in reality. If the Indy in Raiders is a real guy, then Temple of Doom is like some pulp novel that someone of that era might have WRITTEN about Indy. The film has a generally goofy quality which is simply not present in Raiders.

Last Crusade, while no match for the original Raiders, at least attempts to take place in the same UNIVERSE as Raiders of the Lost Ark! And Sean Connery really makes the film.

Best wishes,


markinthedark on June 12, 2007 at 10:38 pm

I think the new operators of the National should really try to run “Raiders” on its giant screen. Loads of us movie geeks will turn out in droves for a late night show or Saturday morning matinee. What better way to get people interested in this theatre. Follow it later with showings of Temple of Doom and Last Crusade. Do any 70mm prints of these films still exist? Could Speilberg kick Paramount in the tush to strike some new ones to get some momentum going for the new film?