Comments from Adonis

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Adonis commented about Adonis Theatre on May 9, 2015 at 12:00 am

@rigleemv..I don’t remember them well..Perhaps if I saw them.. Anything else from the Adonis? Statues? Signs?..It was a beautiful theater, one of the top 10 in the City back in the day (size)..Juliani and Bloomberg who destroyed all the cultural centers, and true diversity of the City, should be run out of town on a rail. They were controlled by real estate moguls, developers and contractors. The same groups that sit in the MTA board To benefit their empires. They made NYC like Ohio or offense..But they killed and destroyed what made NY,NY..Now they can’t wait for the Chinese to take over..I guess..and they want it to look like China, w/ all these bicycles and lanes, that benefit few…Such a theater should have been saved..It was one of the jewels of NYas was the stage Deli…They destroyed many of the cities old historical theaters that many people could go in, experience their beauty and enjoy them..and they gave us office towers and stores that give nothing back to the people. The idea of giving the people things they can enjoy especially aestheticaly has been replaced with how much money can we make from this…and lets please these small but very vocal militant groups like bicycle riders (mostly non New Yorkers)…