Comments from Bubster

Showing 2 comments

Bubster commented about Belvedere Theatre on Apr 15, 2008 at 3:40 am

I could not be at the funural, my wife Alice was there and I just had the pleasure of listening to the eulogy given by Mac’s friend Abe from his college days, thank you Abe! you’re words reminded us as to how special a person Mac really was and for some of us you gave the gift of getting to know a side of Mac that we unfortunately did not have the pleasure to experience on a personal level as you did.

Mac from you’re family in California, taken from all of us at the prime of your life we will always remember you, rest in peace we miss and love you always.

Love, JAV

Bubster commented about Belvedere Theatre on Apr 13, 2008 at 2:09 pm

Thank you for you’re kind words T, Mac we love and miss you more than words can describe.

If you have any information on the individual that has committed this crime please contact the police and help bring peace to our family.
