Comments from Jearjet

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Jearjet commented about Merced Theatre on Mar 11, 2006 at 9:10 am

While growing up in Merced, the Merced Theater was a fantasy escape. The massive Moorish seats in the lobbies where like thrones in a Spanish court to me. The richly tiled water fountains were places where I imagined Zorro swinging through for a sip of water. The Auditorium was a luxurious blend of intriquing tapestries, warm balconey lighting, evening sky, arched walkways, massive stage and plenty of mysterious windows and doors to keep a young kid distracted. It was a great place to escape the San Joaquin Valley summer heat and hang out with family and friends.

Now living in the SF Bay Area, I’d glady get involved helping to restore this gem. The Alhambra in Santa Barbara is very similar in style. Merced would do well to learn from the Alhambra’s business model.