Comments from Jericomacado

Showing 2 comments

Jericomacado commented about Regal Opry Mills 20 & IMAX on Dec 18, 2014 at 7:12 am

I just need to point out that I see some uneducated comments about the 15/70 IMAX film projector at the Opry Mills IMAX theatre. I was just there recently and watched Interstellar presented in 15/70 format, someone there obliviously knows how to operate the equipment and the projector must be there. Now, if only the studios and IMAX would get on board and produce more films in 15/70 again we would get to enjoy that humongous screen like it was meant to be. The sad part is that digital technology limits the image size. Rumor has it that visible-range laser projection is on the horizon and will accommodate digital images large enough to fill IMAX screens the size at Opry Mills – This is still my favorite theatre in Nashville to watch all my movies, it’s just a nice place.

Jericomacado commented about Regal Opry Mills 20 & IMAX on Jun 5, 2012 at 11:14 am

Well, the theatre is open along with Opry Mills Mall! It’s a great place to visit!