Comments from jerZgirl

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jerZgirl commented about Union Drive-In on Jul 14, 2005 at 9:37 pm

I use to go here has a kid with my mom and friends. My mom was friends with the owners son and we use to get in carloads for free and sit out under the stars. Loved this place, don’t remember much about the actual grounds, buildings or ammeneties. Just the experience. Loved it, This was one of the last left in New Jersey back in the 80’s I was about 14 – 15 when it closed, what a shame.

Now my husband and I have to go all the way to Warwick NY to the Drive-In. I enjoy it and we usually make a weekend of it or at least stay over night somewhere and go to the towns nearby like Sugarloaf artist village.

They just re-opened the Chelsea Drive-In in Vineland NJ. We went there a few weeks ago as we were in the Atlantic City, NJ area for a few days. This one was also good, has a concession stand – was completely packed all through the entire first movie – Saw War of the Worlds. This night we went they were showing 3 movies…
Great deal of only $6 and you can’t beat the experience.