Comments from lisacerda

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lisacerda commented about Golden Gate Theatre on Apr 23, 2008 at 10:44 am

Wow! I’m 40 years old now, and reading all these lovely memories has made more nostalgic for my childhood than ever before. I loved Anthony’s discription, and yes, I did get to go to Clifton’s. My mom worked in a restaurant in downtown and she’d take me there to eat instead. This is when I used to be able to take a bus from Duncan and Whittier Blvd. at 7 years old all the way to downtown without a fear in my body. sigh We lived at the Hotel Ashmun right on the corner of Duncan and Whittier Blvd., right around 1974 or 1975, my mom worked at the ticket booth for The Boulevard, and I used to sit at the window of the hotel just watching all the “cruising” in those days, mesmerized by how sharp all the ladies looked, and how the men (or boys) would be so calm and cool and collected trying to win their girl. The Golden Gate theatre became my favorite later in the late in early 80’s, when my friends and I could go in the balcony and giggle without bothering anyone. The very last movie I saw there (with my friends who attended my slumber party) was Friday the 13th. This was a nice memory. Thank you for this everyone!