Comments from looneysamo

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looneysamo commented about Crest Theatre on Nov 23, 2009 at 10:53 pm

My cousin managed this place for years. She’d let us in for free and give us popcorn (served in the cardboard boxes you get for drinks.) We’d just pay for the sodas. We couldn’t beat that deal.

The auditoriums were nicer than I had expected. I loved the little details of the building, even if they had faded.

One thing that I distinctly remember were the funky urinals in the men’s room. They had really long lips. You could straddle it and almost sit down to pee. Theoretically, you could do a #2 in them, but they were out in the open, so people might look at you funny.

I did lose my grandmother’s ring in there. I remember letting my hand fall to my side. The ring hit the ground with a clink. I tried looking for it and never found it. I asked my cousin to keep checking, but she never found it.