Comments from Maddog

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Maddog commented about Baker Theatre on Aug 12, 2006 at 6:10 am

The Baker Theatre / The Stargate Theatre is a fine example of Art Deco design in a working theatre. I was there in 1979 When Mr. Rchard R. Rossi purchased the then long neglected building, and set about renovating the theatre. He like Mr. Levitt Esq. (the current owner) had sunk his own monies into his dream of transforming this venue into something marvelous. Mr. Rossi did not or rather could not foresee the perils frought by a over-zealous group next door that brought considerable political pressure to bear on a largely pusillanimous Council in Dover, New Jersey. Instead of backing their native son, Richard Rossi. They cowered, and beyond lip service platitudes… they had refused to help him in his quest to take an albatross of a building located in the heart of their city, and thereby converting a depressed area of abandoned storefronts and urban decay…Help him with the requisite permits to build a cultural mecca from the neglected, depressed eye sore that was Dover landmark into a thriving hub of activity.

i was there as the politicians all came out and patted Richard Rossi on the back, promising him aid whereever possible. The only problem that mr. Rossi faced was to get a permit to serve alcohol at his proposed nightclub. Imagine a night club that is a dry night club? Doomed to failure..? You bet it was… Common sense and reason would dictate that even though a house of worship was located within 100 feet of the threatre, and that this house of worship held other services not directly related to the worship of God, but rather held social services. One would be hard pressed to imagine that at the late hours that a night club operates, one would find young impressionable children skulking about a nightclub..!

The end result of decades of political chess piece maneuvering. The Methodist Church Of dover had won out. They had indeed squelched a dream. Mr. Richard Rossi may be many things to different people. however, I cannot believe that he had anything but the good of his city in mind when he first bought the theatre. Mr. Levitt Esq. Good luck, savor the flavor of this moment. The Theatre, and it’s accompaning website look gorgeous. It does remind me of how it looked back in 1980 when I had helped in painting, and plumbing, and doing the little odds and ends repairs on that grand ol' lady. However, please heed this word of advice… All glory is fading… Your smiling politicos will run for cover like the cockeroaches that they are when the light of scutiny hits them. I truly wish you and your group the very best of luck. Dover does need something like this.!

Respectfully submitted
John-Erik Steiger