Comments from marine

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marine commented about Nova Theatre on Sep 4, 2009 at 12:52 pm

Well in the 80’s that theater was actually dangerous. A lot of diff. things went on in there, drugs (using and dealing), drinking, sex, etc. I started going there when I was like 13 with friends and sometimes by myself. The layout was huge and old, it was pretty amazing though since the screen was also huge! The picture of the theater that you put up with Delta Force and The Hills Have Eyes 2 was actually one of the weeks that I went to it, to be fair I was there for every new movie! The lobby area was typical of an old theater, no neon just one sheet cases with upcoming movies with fluorescent lights. The concession stand was huge and on the middle of the “hill” not at the base as it was later. I know the neighborhood was originally called Hamilton Heights but it is Harlem and Harlem in the 80’s was as rough as you get. Today, Washington Heights has started to swallow this part of Harlem and it is almost sad since I actually liked the way it used to be.
Thanks for that picture it reminded me that there used to be a Cleaners next door, I actually forgot it was there and it also shows the KFC that I was referring to, so sad that it has all gone away! BTW: The vacant store next door eventually became a very nice Pet Store.

Lets keep talking though this forum if you don’t mind, I will answer all your questions the best I can.

marine commented about Nova Theatre on Sep 3, 2009 at 11:28 pm

I live in the neighborhood from 1983 till 1994. I used to watch movies in the Nova in the 80’s when it was a single screen theater. I used to love the double feature weeks, I alays remember sneaking a bag of popcorn and a 25 cent juice. By the time I got hired by Jesus Nova it was already a twin. I though it was a fairly sized theater for a neighborhood theater.
To address the shadyness of the theater, the theater was run by great people but the neighborhood was and is a pretty rough neighborhood. I have had fights, knives pulled out and in one occasion had a gun flashed. I always felt that at any time crazyness could happen but this was not the theaters fault but the clientele’s. Starting with Boyz in the Hood we started having off duty cops check everyone at the door for weapons and such for big premiers and this reallly helped things. To note a positive we used to have a great relationship with the KFC next door and get free chicken all the time, haha!!!

marine commented about Nova Theatre on Aug 19, 2009 at 5:53 pm

I worked at the Nova when it was a Twin from about 1990 till around 1993. I don’t remember the exact dates but if you have any questions feel free to ask. I was employed as an usher but have ran the ticket booth, concession stand, and even cleaned the theater at night a few times. I came to the Nova when Total Recall was playing and also Another 48 Hours. Sadly enough, I don’t remember what movie was playing when I left. Jesus Nova was a great boss but what was impressive is how much he cared for the communities where he chose to have his theaters. He grew up close to the Nova and continued to live close by till the time I left. Anyway, if you have anything to ask of me let me know and I will answer to the best of my abilities.