Comments from MarisaSchoff

Showing 11 comments

MarisaSchoff commented about Lombard OKs DuPage Theatre Demolition on Jun 13, 2006 at 10:43 am


Contact me off this board and I will be glad to fill you in on some of the details of what’s really been going on behind the scenes here in Lombard and how I found out about this one man rant on this page.

I will not discuss any more issues with this other individual who hides behind a screen name and makes no sense.

We also got BIG news today which will have a huge effect on the outcome of this story. E-mail me if you would like more info.

MarisaSchoff commented about Lombard OKs DuPage Theatre Demolition on Jun 12, 2006 at 12:26 pm

Your answer makes as much sense as your posts and I think that’s an overstatement.

I also think your favorite movie is “Conspiracy Theory”

Thank you for proving my point.

MarisaSchoff commented about Lombard OKs DuPage Theatre Demolition on Jun 10, 2006 at 10:17 am

Follow the money-

If you would like to find out if I’m a “crony” – feel free to contact me and ask me yourself. I live by the Dupe and have a big stake in what happens on that property, I’ll be glad to fill you in.

Sitting on this board offering nothing but theatrical ramblings and inane quotes will do nothing to help your cause. So if you have a genuine concern for what happens here and would like to know more about what I believe e-mail me at

If you’d rather stay on here talking to the wall – be my guest. The rest of us will be busy seeing the best development comes to Main & Parkside…

MarisaSchoff commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 26, 2005 at 3:56 pm

How do you know that was the only incident that occured?

This issue has brought out the worst in certain people and you, Dude are the perfect example.

Keep on proving my point…

MarisaSchoff commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 17, 2005 at 6:25 am


I, too agree that comment was uncalled for. Mr. Devitt (duper)seems to bring out the worst in people. He’s not a “preservationist”, it’s all personal to him. He has said some false and hateful things about me on the other board. Fortunately, I could care less about the opinion of someone like him, who behaves like he belongs in a gutter.

I can’t believe you are being attacked for wanting to bring both sides to the table on this issue? You are the voice of reason and I question the motives of those who are against your good sense.

It’s clear that there are people who have personal agendas and those that really care about preservation and their true colors show through every time. Anyway – the offer still stands if you want to talk.

MarisaSchoff commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 15, 2005 at 3:04 pm

Rita – only myself and one other person even posts their real name so why would you think that duper or others could not be Jim Devitt.

Is RestorationRita your real name? I think not. So why couldn’t one of those others be the infamous Mr. Devitt? His posts are pretty easy to spot, if you been reading his foolishness as long as I have.


MarisaSchoff commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 15, 2005 at 2:42 pm

Shame on you Rita – you proved my point.

You’re right – the Friends shouldn’t reach out to other people like me, they should keep with their current strategy. It’s really been a success so far.

I hope all of you who are true preservationists are reading this.

Deb – my offer still stands. Rita, duper and pals, goodbye and good riddance. Keep up your efforts, you need all the help you can get…

MarisaSchoff commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 15, 2005 at 2:20 pm

It is time to cool off and not sink to Mr. Devitt’s level.

Ms. Dynako has a point and I appreciate someone finally telling duper supporter to back off.

We are neighbors, in fact, Ms. Dynako and I live 2 blocks apart and it is a shame that this issue has brought out the worst in so many people.

The past is the past, so to debate past fundraising efforts, RSC plan etc. is not productive for anyone.

As far as the lawsuit goes, I’m not sure how I feel. I have always hoped that some private developer could have purchased and renovated the theater on their own money and kept it within codes so that we could keep the theatre building. It’s hard to imagine that can happen in 6 short months, when in 5 years the RSC plan was the best that could be found. I also don’t like the idea of my tax dollars paying for an attorney to defend itself against this suit. That being said, if the theatre group would even consider having talks with the library board for adaptive-reuse or if a private developer could be found who would renovate the theatre for retail/restaurant use (like in Hinsdale)as opposed to a “cultural arts theatre”. Perhaps some people would consider rethinking their stance.

Who knows, a lot of bridges have been burned. That is why Mr. Devitt, duper and the like are really hurting the cause of people like Ms. Dynako who really care about the theatre.

Deb, you and I have not agreed on much and you have been pretty tough on me in previous posts in falsely accusing me of posting under “DebDupe” of which I have NEVER. However, if any part of what I stated previously sounds like it might be something the Friends are looking at for the theatre, then feel free to e-mail me at

Have a great night all…

MarisaSchoff commented about DuPage Theater on Sep 19, 2005 at 3:36 pm

Believe me Melders – I was not trying to sabotage the Dupe plan to put the library there. I was never a fan of the plan for all the reasons that have been mentioned time and time again on this board. The bottom line is this plan was the last resort for saving the structure as a whole and I and many of my neighbors thought it would be a disaster for our neighborhood and our town. My only stance on the library is that it should go before the voters to possibly use the site for the new library. If it doesn’t pass, so be it, but the residents should have a say. Unlike the condo plan where no referendum was ever put forth. The developer and the Friends DIDN’T want one. They KNEW it would fail.

I have always felt that if the theater could be sold and developed with mostly private dollars (and perhaps a reasonable percentage of TIF dollars) and could stay within current codes, I would have been all for it. This was FAR from that. The best chance the theatre had was when Classic Cinemas (York, Tivoli) came to take a look. It would have been a cinema again and would have been privately owned but they weren’t interested due to the severe neglect and damage to the building.

Also – the marquee and facade are not being destroyed but are being removed for a railway museum in a nearby city. That is, unless another group formally comes forward to pay for the removal and storage. Also, all items of value inside will be removed before demolition as well. This information came to me in an e-mail reply from the Village board. Perhaps, the Friends or the Historical society could throw their hat in the ring and acquire these items for future use. I would gladly make a donation if they made the effort.

Also – trying to compare the new convention center to the former theatre plan is ridiculous and not worth debating.

Have a great night all.

MarisaSchoff commented about DuPage Theater on Sep 15, 2005 at 4:08 am

Trustee Sebby stated at the meeting that he looked into using the SAT grant for a portion of the building and he was told that it was not possible, that it was very specific on how it could be used. That’s why it was rejected.

By the way, I accept your apology for making false accusations against me – oh wait, you didn’t give one…

MarisaSchoff commented about DuPage Theater on Sep 14, 2005 at 1:09 pm

Excuse me, Mrs Dynako but I would appreciate if you would kindly leave my name out of the childish accusations that take place on this website. This is the second time you have assumed a poster here was me so I felt the need to finally speak out. I have never posted under the name DebDupe and I don’t appreciate you throwing my name into your mudslinging game.

You don’t like my editorial? That’s fine because I don’t like the way you and Ms. A have treated the village board and I certainly take offenses to the lies printed in our yellow local paper.

For those of you who haven’t read my editorial, let me clue you in. I am petitioning the board to SAVE the historical elements of the theatre INCLUDING the marquee and facade for use at a future time and I challenged the editor of our paper because she lied and told the readers that this was no longer a possibility. Boy – you’d think “preservationists” would follow suit and do the same but they haven’t and who knows what will happen next? You see Mr. Fortini, this is more about pride now. No one wants to lose.

The theatre is being torn down and yes, I fought vehemently against the condo plan developed by the Friends. I also support and will lobby for a new library on the site. I would love to see if the marquee and facade could be saved for use on that or on another development. There is no middle ground on this issue for either side and I personally think they are all acting like children.

We’ll have to see what happens next – the board meets again tomorrow. In the meantime if Mrs. Dynako or any other of the Friends would like to make accusations about me – make sure you have the right target next time and anytime you want to talk about joining forces to save portions of the theater, send me an e-mail Otherwise – please leave me out of this pettiness.