Comments from McCarroll

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McCarroll commented about Thomas W. Lamb on Feb 17, 2007 at 12:53 pm

Hi Tom:
Here are a couple of web sites about the Empire Cinema, Leicester Square, London. The first mentions your great grandfather as the architech, thus validating what my father had in his notes ( which also said “I put the job through after an English associate failed ”!). The second has a number of photographs of a rebuilding/ refurbishing in the 1980’s or 90’s. I don’t know how closely they followed the old design but it certainly is in the grand style, something your great grandfather and my father could take great pride in.

I’m checking out that “Episcopal church in Arlington, NJ”. It looks like a dead end. Arlington is a suburb of Kearny on the edge of the Meadowlands . Not exactly the place one would build a cathedral-like church!. I’m still looking. If you run across anything let me know.

Best regards,


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McCarroll commented about Thomas W. Lamb on Feb 17, 2007 at 12:52 pm

Hi Tom:
Here are a couple of web sites about the Empire Cinema, Leicester Square, London. The first mentions your great grandfather as the architech, thus validating what my father had in his notes ( which also said “I put the job through after an English associate failed ”!). The second has a number of photographs of a rebuilding/ refurbishing in the 1980’s or 90’s. I don’t know how closely they followed the old design but it certainly is in the grand style, something your great grandfather and my father could take great pride in.

I’m checking out that “Episcopal church in Arlington, NJ”. It looks like a dead end. Arlington is a suburb of Kearny on the edge of the Meadowlands . Not exactly the place one would build a cathedral-like church!. I’m still looking. If you run across anything let me know.

Best regards,


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McCarroll commented about Thomas W. Lamb on Feb 14, 2007 at 9:18 am


Thanks so much; I’ll check out that Episcopal Church. Thanks also for the tip rfegarding the Avery Library. That could be useful to me for other endeavors. I’ll keep you posted


McCarroll commented about Thomas W. Lamb on Feb 14, 2007 at 4:12 am

Hi Tom:

Here is something that you may want to add to your great grandfathers portfolio that is not lsted here. In particular the Empire Cinema on Leiscester Square in London built during the period 1926-1928. My father, Joseph A McCarroll, worked for the Lamb firm from 1925-1930 and was the manager who competed the job. He said it was the first Amerian motion picture theatre built in Europe. It may also have been called the Ritz or the Roxy. There may have been a second one. I had thought that it had been destoryed in the blitz but there is a newpaper clipping in my fathers portfolio dated 1952 of a theatre whose marquee says “Empire Ritz” with a notation in my fathers hand that he was “London Manager, 1927-28” that would indicated that is in fact surviced the bombing or was rebuilt.

On another matter, I have in my possession and rendering of an unidentified gothic style church done by my father. I thought that it was done while he was in private practice in 1923 but after looking at it more closely, it could be dated 1928. The date and the almost certainty that the church, if it ever was constructed, would be in the new York City area are the only clues I have. Thus my question to you is, did your great grandfather’s firm ever do churches and if so do you have a record of same that were done around 1928. I love to hear from anybody who might help me in this “search for a church”