Comments from movietech

Showing 4 comments

movietech commented about Lawford Theatre on Dec 14, 2005 at 9:19 am

Just look at what is posted, this person Paul or Mike, will always blame others, but to many of us KNOW the real you, this is not LawfordTheatre, this is someone who knows you, has been wronged by you (among others in the thread) Paul why dont you go to some other country and scam them, its all in the news, all one has to do is put your name in a search, and wham! they come up with theft, they come up with scams, they come up with YOU oweing folks money that even the courts say you owe? you really think all that is false? you live in a DREAM world, or should say what ol “clint eastwood' would say, ‘your a legend,,,,, in your OWN mind” its easy to see who is the liar and who is not, all the folks that have wrote bad things about you including the newspapers, we all lie i guess, like i said the proof is out there, i guess the courts saying you owe 4 grand for stiffing someone and only paying a little of it back are liars to. Dont worry Paul, all of us will continue the threads about you, posting the updated information about you, and keeping everyone notified of your business dealings, have a very productive day,, and if you can, try not to stiff your own family.

movietech commented about Lawford Theatre on Dec 14, 2005 at 7:53 am

Interesting. I don’t see any reports of restoration work in the publications that usually print Lawford Theatre news. The theatre’s phone is disconnected as well.

As far as loans go, everyone know you asked the city for one. Everyone also knows that the city turned you down because they had doubts about your organization. How do we know? Because we read it in the newspapers…I don’t know where you come up with half of the stuff you say.

Here’s a comment from the Wheaton Grand message board, describing your work at the Portage Theatre in Chicago. There are similarities to the story now coming out of Havana:

Too bad about Havana. I worked with Paul in Chicago—the exact same thing happened there. As an employee—you are only as useful until you shut your checkbook. Then you become a “volunteer”. Let’s see if I get the scenario right? A man (Paul) comes in and declares he spends his life restoring theatres. His dream is re-open “this” one.
He needs help (usually teenagers and unsuspecting employees)—when money gets tight he asks the local government for money. When denied he looks to book “investors”—people to help him follow his dream. He thinks how he can divide the theatre into 3. More deposits come in from those groups hoping to get a piece of the
action (sorry—no theatre gets divided-no deposits returned). He then books bands and accepts deposits (now you know Wheaton why he was upset about bands not being allowed to play. Then we blame the local governement about repairs (wasn’t that the case in Chicago—2 venues-Wheaton now Havana—) Then nobody but Paul gets any money. The bills in Chicago; Havana; how are your bills Wheaton? go unpaid. Now let’s get to the employees. All of sudden (after being told of the Grand Opening) there is no money to be paid to employees and now they are called thiefs and volunteers. Sorry Paul—used that excuse many times. Anybody who didn’t “invest” is insulted and called liars. There are so many of us following your footsteps—maybe it is time to try your con in another state. Just remember, the internet is a wonderful tool. Let’s all of us “volunteers” make it our mission to not let him continue. How do you sleep at night Paul? Are there any available lawyers out there to help us with the possibility of a class action lawsuit? Can all of us who were left out to dry possibly take Paul to court? Mr. Novelli—maybe you could help? Have you woke up yet to Paul or are you just slower than normal? How much money did Paul make on ticket sales in Havana? Where is all that money? Certainly not paying bills or employees. Just like in Chicago—go forth and sell calendars on street corners to generate money. Who got that money—Paul did and he was able to travel out of the country while leaving others to possibly get arrested by City officials after being told the theater was fine to open. He then blamed aldermen and the mayor for not turning their backs on an unsafe building and allow patrons in. Paul doesn’t like rules and regulations. He also can’t stand people just a little bit smarter than him—which is most. It just takes us a little longer because most of us have never met a con man before. Our human nature tends to lead us to trust everyone—which now I trust no one. Most of us start out trusting and liking Paul but quickly learn. Are there any out there who started working with Paul and still admire him? Mike where did you come from? You weren’t with him in Chicago? Haven’t you learned yet (others are slower than the rest of us) or are you a con man too? I certainly would break away from Paul as soon as possible. Is this the type of man to be friends with? How is he able to pay you and not mininum wage workers? Again sorry Havana—you were warned. Best of luck Wheaton—you may be the first and only theater to stay on your feet after Paul and go forth. There are many others behind you and cheering you on. As for all others—let’s just watch the internet and watch where Paul goes next.
posted by disgruntledemployee on Sep 12, 2005 at 7:49am

movietech commented about Lawford Theatre on Dec 14, 2005 at 7:42 am

It would not matter, Paul was sued when he tried leasing to someone something that he could not, he jumped ship and came aboard another one. They both play games and have been known to do it in the past, once a con artist, pretty much always. You can read all about them in many papers and contact those folks he conned. It pretty much sums it up. Contact the Mayor of the cities. They have been trown out of theatrs because they could not pay money (locked out actually). They have a web site, that has been put up with all they have done, its there in black and white, including links of suits, writings about them, etc. Its all there. Nothing has been added from others except the folks he took, and those ones that they tried to con.
They cant afford a light bulb from what is said, they cant afford to pay there employees, The person that is running a theatre that they leased optioned to has reciepts of employees he had to pay because they never did when they just ran out, these folks were just teenagers, and they were owed just a few hours. If you check, this is a pattern with these 2, not paying bills, conning others, inlvolved in lawsuits, even losing in court and not paying the court ordered amount. Its all a pattern from these people at Grande Venues. It will continue to be a pattern, and all folks have to do is do searches on them. You cant hide from the truth, a marvelous age we live in that we can do searches on Grande Venues and there owners and come up with all kinds of bad things, one person saying something yes, but everyone including a mayor and townsfolk and other people they ahve duped? See the picture forming, yes, you can. I do hope that someday, they are brought before a court that bars them from doing to others they things they have done. It might not be today, or tomorrow, but someday, these guys will pay for all they have done, bne it here or in the next life. Lets hope its here on earth first!

movietech commented about Lawford Theatre on Dec 14, 2005 at 6:52 am

the person that was going to purchase the theatre, itsa good one, we live here in town, i have noticed the names of TWO people with whom you do not want to deal with. They are Paul and Mike of the company called Grande Venues, If you do a internet search on them or there company, you will see they are involved in Lawsuits and have taken people for there money. They really are con artist, thats a proven fact. The people of Havana know who they are and we sure do not want them back in this town. They have done nothing it would seem except take peoples money, con them, and leave them high and dry, if you will look at the threads above and read and do research on them. You will see they are good for nothing. I am sure they will play the game of writing back, but from a middle person, i highly advise steering clear of these jokers. They cant run a theatre, much less behave in a civilized way or conduct HONEST business. I know who they are and have delt with them in other area’s. Leave them alone and run.