Comments from Ocelots_Forever

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Ocelots_Forever commented about Canyon Creek I & II on Jul 22, 2016 at 6:35 pm

The theater, the English-speaking portion of its life, pre-dated much of the video game craze, but I can remember at least one “Asteroids” stand-up being present adjacent the SW theater, as well as a clutch of mechanical pinball machines adjacent the NE theater. I vaguely recall viewing the movie “Blade Runner,”(1982) one evening, and this would have been one of the last movies I enjoyed at the twin, and my first R rated film! I do recall for certain seeing the James Bond film “For Your Eyes Only” (1982) at the Canyon Creek twin, which leads me to believe I was an active patron of the theater right up until it’s English end. The Twin, Tom Thumb, and Bunkies Donuts were the after school attractions that live fondly among my childhood memories. Of the three, sadly, Bunkies is the only one to survive the test of time. Tom Thumb having been bulldozed several years back, yielding her footings for a gated living community. The theater today… the North East of the building can be enjoyed by way of “Shady’s Burgers and Fries.” —– Any 1989 Plano grads out there who grew up chomping popcorn and Junior Mints at the Canyon Creek Twin in the 70s, wishing for a stroll down memory lane, shout back. We’ll grab some Shady’s one afternoon and maybe visit good old Aldrige E. – Ƈ..H!nklǝ/89'Pl@n0/2I42zE®o83s!x18\

Ocelots_Forever commented about Canyon Creek I & II on Jul 22, 2016 at 6:05 pm

Though converted for use as a banquet and catering business, the bones of the theater have remained intact since its construction and remain to this today. I attended a wedding reception there in early 00s, and again returned on other business late in the same decade, wondering up the stairs to the, still intact, projection room, where twin cinema machines once resided. The catering owner showed me film remains left behind from several theater attractions… one being a ‘coming preview’ of the movie “Carrie” (1976). —– I grew up attending movies at The Twin. One notable viewing was the movie Earth Quake (1974). When we exited the theater, one of its signs had succumb to a freakish wind storm, landing on two unfortunate parked vehicles (no injuries reported).