Comments from Pegbars

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Pegbars commented about USGS Earth Explorer photo on Sep 25, 2012 at 11:09 pm

Yes, the Circle 25 is at R in the aerial photo. Wow, this is a very old shot because the big mobile home park at the rear of the theatre does not yet exist (but looks like it’s under construction)! Many other New Circle Rd. businesses are also absent.

Pegbars commented about Projection booth at the Circle 25, 1974. on Feb 12, 2012 at 1:29 am

Photo taken 1974.

Pegbars commented about Circle 25 Drive-In on Feb 12, 2012 at 1:07 am

Corrections to the info on this theatre…

  • The Circle 25 was built by Mark Cummins and Ben Cohen and opened in 1956, after being under construction for two years. Equipment was purchased from Midwest Theatre Supply.
  • The late Robert Perkins was the Circle 25’s first manager, who went on the build the Southland 68 D/I in 1961.
  • Sold in 1957 to Fayette Drive-In Theatres: R.M. Johnson and the Rodes Theatre interests of Lexington.
  • Rodes leased the theatre to Countrywide in 1972.
  • Leased to Hallmark in 1973. Manager was Arthur J. Gallerani. City manager, Fred Mills (from his office at the Kentucky Theatre).
  • Sold in 1975 to Mid-States Theatres. Manager in 1978-79 was Lloyd Dobbins.
  • Mid-States closed the theatre, circa 1982, and it was subsequently demolished. Manager at closing was James Mullikin.

Malco never owned theatres in Central Kentucky.

Additional info: – Projection booth was designed for four projectors, two of them being horizontal Vista-Vision. However, the additional projectors were never installed. – Theatre was literally across the street from Rodes' Family Drive-In. – Present site of Brock-McVey electrical equipment and supplies.