Comments from PlazaPlayhouse

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PlazaPlayhouse commented about Plaza Playhouse Theater on Oct 17, 2012 at 4:48 pm

The Plaza Playhouse Theater is operating as a non-profit community playhouse and has been since October of 2010. We offer classic movies, live theater and concerts of all kinds. The theater opened on April 27, 1928 as the Alcazar. Managed by Oliver “Ollie” Prickett, Hollywood character actor, who had a recurring role as “Geoduck”, the neighbor to Ma and Pa Kettle. Through the past 84 years, the theater changed hands and names and also fell into disrepair. Metropolitan Theater Corp. came in and performed an extensive remodel, but cancelled their lease in 2010 due to low revenue…Carpinteria is a small town, and Metropolitan simply couldn’t keep up with the studio required license fees. The Plaza Playhouse is currently managed by an all volunteer staff. Further details about the theater and our schedule can be found on our website at