Comments from Redevelopment

Showing 9 comments

Redevelopment commented about Dattola Theatre on May 23, 2012 at 3:27 pm

The Redevelopment Authority of the City of New Kensington owns the theater and currently there is no website. The Redevelopment Authority and the City of New Kensington are raising money for the rehabilitation of the theater. The environmental work and roof are completed. We will soon start on the front of the theater building.

Redevelopment commented about Dattola Theatre on Jun 30, 2009 at 9:35 pm

Oh my, small world. He would of graduated with my brother and I was 2 years behind them.
Where does he live now and what does he do?
Is your grandmother still around?
She would be a great resource.

Redevelopment commented about Dattola Theatre on Jun 30, 2009 at 9:32 pm

To: Anthony Biamonte:
Thanks for the info regarding the Dattola Theater.
Are you related to a Bart Biamonte that attended St. Joseph High School in Natrona? I graduated from St. Joseph’s and I remember a Bart Biamonte and was wondering if there is any relation.
The RA did not purchase the theater. The theater was given to the RA by the previous owner. The only other building that the RA owns on that block is the former Tile City building. Unfortunately by the time people want to donate the buildings, the buildings are in such disrepair and the City can not fund the renovation as it would cost millions.
We are trying to get the Dattola cleaned out and raise some money to renovate with the City’s blessing, but not with City dollars.
I have a picture of the front of the Dattola from the late 1940’s, quite interesting.
The City and the RA are doing a lot of demolition in the downtown area. We have inventoried the buildings in the downtown area, however the asking prices of several buildings are so high that someone just starting a business, it is difficult to pay the high price for the building and then do extensive renovation. There are a few buildings that are lower prices, but most of interest are high prices. At least that is the way the inventory sheets come back.
The RA has done work to the roof, but the inside of the building really needs cleaned out and we should be starting on that soon.
Any info or pictures would be appreciated.

Redevelopment commented about Dattola Theatre on Jun 10, 2009 at 2:23 pm

The inside of the theater now is just about the same as the picutures that are being circulated.
I would be interested in older pictures that would be of the original inside of the theater.
The RA is going to start working on this theater and with the condition it is in, it will take several years of renovation and raising funds to do so.
However, any information that anyone has is always appreciated. Our intention is to get the theater ready for music venues and later down the road add to the stage for plays and musicals. Now we are focusing on music and hope to use different artists to perform to raise money for additonal enhancements to the theater.

Redevelopment commented about Dattola Theatre on May 18, 2009 at 9:36 pm

From what our files have, at one time there were 6 theaters in New Kensington. One of the other ones was the Circle Theater, it was smaller than the Dattola.
Where the Dattola was build was vacant land from what we can see. It is in a downtown area in which the building are right up against each other. We have done deed searches through the County.

Redevelopment commented about Dattola Theatre on May 18, 2009 at 9:26 pm

There were numerous theaters in New Kensington. Maybe data got mixed up.
The original seats are still in the Dattola along with gas fired projectors and glass doors that were made by Pittsburgh Plate Glass. From the research, the glass doors were only a few made it that they do not have a frame around them. It is just plate glass with an aluminum bottom piece that keeps it in place.

Redevelopment commented about Dattola Theatre on May 18, 2009 at 9:06 pm

The Dattola was built in 1942 and has approximately 700 seats.

Redevelopment commented about Dattola Theatre on May 18, 2009 at 8:40 pm

That picture is of the outside of the building.
If anyone finds the inside pictures, please let us know. In my research I have found many interesting things out about this theater.

Redevelopment commented about Dattola Theatre on May 18, 2009 at 7:01 pm

Does anyone have photos of the inside of the Dattola Theater in New Kensington? We are starting renovation and would like to have something from the inside to go on.