Comments from Joey M.

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Joey M.
Joey M. commented about Diamond Point Theatre on Jul 12, 2018 at 8:19 am

I was the projectionist at Diamond Point in the mid 80s. I was around 16 at the time. I think I was working that day when mad max was playing and indeed I forgot to put on the anamorphic lens lol. I also remember one time I sliced the movies backward for pew wee big adventure and during the middle of the movie it was inverted. Oops lol… A bunch of people came out of the movie theatre yelling.. haha… I remember lots of my coworkers, Bob was the manager, I remember Lori D. Melissa, Wendy, Charlie, Janie Dewall (spelling), and many more. I have a memory like an elephant haha The good ole days ;–) We had the best of times back in the 80s listening to 80s music at work, partying hard and running up and down valley mills drive like a bunch of dorks lol..