Comments from Tantive7

Showing 8 comments

Tantive7 commented about Williamsburg Theatre on Oct 16, 2009 at 9:16 am

OMG HARVEY..I cannot believe that I’m even seeing this Picture,,This is truly amazing,I wish I could step into This picture,and just walk around the street,I clearly remember The Mirrors on The Wall as you walked in here..I miss this place so much..and this picture was taken in 1973,and I was born in 75…If anyone has more pictures of this place,Please post them up especially from The Inside of The Theater..A million Thank you Harvey!!!!

Tantive7 commented about Williamsburg Theatre on Mar 18, 2009 at 1:10 pm

Will someone please post-up a picture of the theater,It has been so long since I have seen the place,and YES,they did show Spanish Movies there.“Cantinflas Movies” “TOBI” And they showed alot of other movies there too..

Tantive7 commented about Commodore Cinemas on Mar 16, 2009 at 8:42 am

I wish I could had taken pictures from the inside,I loved the chandelier inside the theater..Wow,I miss that place..

Tantive7 commented about Williamsburg Theatre on Mar 16, 2009 at 8:39 am

Hello cypress

Could you please post the picture up,I would love to see it,It’s been a while seen I seen the place
Thank you

Tantive7 commented about Williamsburg Theatre on Feb 24, 2009 at 9:03 am

I really wish someone had a picture,of this place,especially from the inside,I had no luck,on my end..It’s been so long since I have seen this place. Thanks for the Info,I really miss this place,I did not know that there was fire in here,which forced it to close down?,That would explain,why when I was a teenager,I saw the Theater seats left outside in The Streets,yet,The seats were not burned?
They were red seats.

Tantive7 commented about Williamsburg Theatre on Jan 9, 2008 at 10:57 am

Good Afternoon everyone
Growing up in Williamsburg till I was 25 I clearly remember The exact location of The Marcy Theater,and that is it..
OMG..OMG..and I know this because it was the competing theater next to The Commodore..And I remember how my family would walk across the block to see other film.and than stay on the same Block and walk two block back across the street to The Commodore. and I clearly remember how the Inside of the Theater looked like,too
I say this because I saw
The Game of Death in this theater along with Red Sonja..
And they played alot of The GrindHouse Movies there as well..
When I was young.My Parents took me there to see Spanish Movies Like The Cantinflas Films.and it was next to a bakery,which still stand today..
First The Location,was right next to Discomundo,this is not a good picture,but I can assure you,that it was next to this building,
View link
But someone has already posted the pictures,so I SAY THANK YOU…
I wish someone had pictures of the inside of the theater..
Now The inside of the theater as you walk in,There was one step and The walls as you walked into the Theater entrance had mirrors,from side to side..Going straight into the theater and the Lobby card post..This is how I remember The TGOD,so vividly in my memories
My neighbor claims she has a picture,I pray to god that she can find it..
If anyone has a picture of it,I would love to see it
When they closed the theater,they turned the whole place into a resturant,and when they closed that,it became what it is today..
KenRoe pictures has the exact spot of this theater..
And for years I was trying to figure out the name of this place..
Thank you
I just wanted to share this memory..and if anyone has any more to share,I’m reading..
Thank you

Tantive7 commented about Marcy Theatre on Jul 2, 2007 at 10:44 am

Here’s a photo of the March Theater building taken this past March. I forgot to post the link here back when I took the photo. The building is still there and is currently a clinic. I don’t remember what the right side of the building is:

posted by Bway

Good Morning Bway
I had to say this because I lived there,That’s all wrong?? There was never a theater there,The RX Pharmacy and the Unimed have been there since I was little..The only thing that has changed is that store on the end that says “Rainbow” That use to be an OTB Betting than it changed into “Favas Shoes” and than it became “Rainbow”,And I know this because across the street was a “Woolworth” and Frenchies Gym and when they closed Woolworth that became Bargin Bazarr.
I’m telling you,There was never a theater there..There were only 2 Theaters I remember in that area.The Commodore and The Marcy Theater.
Which you could cross back and fourth too. Trust me
The Marcy Movie Theater was where I mention,in my last Post,I know this because I use to go there all the time..
I pray I can find this picture..
Thank you again,for letting me share these memories..
You Guys are wonderful..

Tantive7 commented about Marcy Theatre on Jul 2, 2007 at 10:26 am

Good Morning everyone
Growing up in Williamsburg till I was 25 I clearly remember The exact location of The Marcy Theater,that I remembered growing up,and I know this because it was the competing theater next to The Commodore..And I remember how my family would walk across the block to see other film.and than stay on the same Block and walk two block back across the street to The Commodore. and I clearly remember how the Inside of the Theater looked like,too
I say this because I saw
The Game of Death in this theater along with Red Sonja..When I was young.And my Parents took me there to see Spanish Movies Like The Cantinflas Films.and it was next to a bakery,which still stand today..
First The Location,was right next to Discomundo,this is not a good picture,but I can assure you,that it was next to this building,
View link
Now The inside of the theater as you walk in,There was one step and The walls as you walked into the Theater entrance had mirrors,from side to side..Going straight into the theater and the Lobby card post..This is how I remember The TGOD,so vividly in my memories
My neighbor claims she has a picture,I pray to god that she can find it..
If anyone has a picture of it,I would love to see it
When they closed the theater,they turned the whole place into a resturant,and when they closed that,it became what it is today..
I just wanted to share this memory..
Thank you