Comments from TheNeighbor

Showing 1 - 25 of 37 comments

TheNeighbor commented about Wheaton Grand Theater on Feb 25, 2007 at 3:24 pm

So this is it. His name will never appear on this site again, at least not typed by my hands! He is forevermore “He who shall not be named”…let’s let him go. Maybe something will work out for him and he’ll be able to say “I told you so” or some such. In the mean time, let’s all move on with talking about something else…anything else. The good ol' days? Restoration efforts? Plans for the future? Come on, surely we can think of something more interesting to talk about…

The Neighbor

TheNeighbor commented about Wheaton Grand Theater on Jan 4, 2007 at 4:54 am

Well, as far as I’m concerned it is over. Mr. Warshauer is nothing more than an annoyance, a distraction from the work at hand. He’s completely irrelevant to any discussions here, or really anywhere but perhaps on a board discussing mystery theater. He’ll never be involved with any decisions regarding the theater or the use of it. And as far as theater restoration goes, I hope he someday does succeed and prove us all wrong. It simply won’t happen in Wheaton. So, Mr. Warshauer…not that you’re even vaguely interested in any advice I’d have to offer you, but I’ll pen it anyway. Look to your own interests; pay attention to Youngstown. Move on. Grow up. Let it go. You’re really not doing yourself any favors. You’ve become more of a joke in downtown Wheaton than a person of import. No one is taking you seriously any more. You’re nothing more than an inconvenient pest. Go somewhere where they might appreciate you, where you can start fresh. Where they don’t know what everyone on this board knows.

It takes a person of maturity to realize when its time to go. Whether or not you think Wheaton “needs” you, it takes wisdom to know when that’s simply not going to happen. If you know you’re so wonderful, then simply share it with someone else. Make Wheaton “rue the day” they turned you away. But do it somewhere else.

The theater is being restored by Ray Shepardson. There’s all kinds of things being worked on right now; beleive me. I’ve seen it. Plans being made, meetings attended, contractors hired. It is moving. But as someone said above…its only been 9 months. The fundraising alone was supposed to take a year. The actual physical labor will probably take another year after that. There’s engineers and architects to consult with, all sorts of building specialists who have to evaluate what’s there before anything else can be done. So the initial work will NOT be seen by most of us. But it is being done.

I’m looking forward to seeing the day that it all starts coming together!

The Neighbor

TheNeighbor commented about Wheaton Grand Theater on Feb 15, 2006 at 2:26 am

Actually, the fact that the Theater is rumored to be closing is exactly the exciting news that I had heard. I had heard that the closure was due to the beginning of the restoration. As I am sure most reasonable people can comprehend, the renovation and restoration cannot begin in earnest if the theater is still hosting performances. Closure is mandatory while the construction begins. So “closure” in this case is actually the best of all news possible.

I am hoping that someone “closer to the action” than I am would be able to clarify what is going on and let us all know if that rumor is true or not…and if we really are just that close to the beginning of this marvelous project.

The Neighbor

TheNeighbor commented about Wheaton Grand Theater on Feb 14, 2006 at 2:58 am

This is very interesting. I understood that two of the three counts had, indeed, been dismissed by the court. I also understood that Mr. Warshauer did not attend.

I also understood that the counts could be reinstated if actual evidence could be presented to support them. Of course, I got that from the same article that Mr. Warshauer is claiming to be incorrect.

I’ve never heard that the GTC board was having problems with their own legal representation. After all, if two of the three counts were dismissed, they do seem to be doing something right.

As far as the last sentences of Mr. Warshauer’s rebuttle of the article goes—“This case should have been settled months ago. We are willing, why aren’t they?” I would assume, Mr. Warshauer that there are two problems to your request for settlement. The first assumption is that your request for settlement is far above what the GTC board would consider fair. The second would be that you’ve filed against a non-profit agency, who has little (or no) access to the amount of money you’re seeking. Therefore, I can only assume that this case will have to be decided on by the judicial system. That is, generally, what happens when each party involved cannot find an acceptable middle ground.

I will be very interested to see what the ruling is on the final count in April.

In the meantime, what are the plans for the future of the theater? I’ve heard all sorts of rumors that big things are soon to be happening. I can’t wait!

TheNeighbor commented about Wheaton Grand Theater on Nov 2, 2005 at 8:48 am

Mr. Novelli:

I highly recommend that you review previous posts before jumping in. I am NOT Mr. Neighbor, I am Ms Neighbor. I am a business owner. Yes, I have criticized. I was under the impression that this was an open forum. I have NEVER said that GVI didn’t have ambition or make efforts. I am not one of the ones accusing you of incompetance. I have actually said on occasion that I believe Mr. Warshauer has his strengths; he has apparently been successful at Mystery Theater productions. This does not impress me much, I do not consider it to be one of the more interesting or difficult arts in the world, but it does have its place.

There is no denial or hypocrisy intended on my part. If you are going to hurl these accusations, I would appreciate examples. I do try not to engage in such behavior, and certainly would appreciate the opportunity for self-improvement if it would happen to be true.

Exactly what in my last comment was inconsistent? Do you believe you know me? I assure you, you do not. And what I said about Mr. Warshauer is true, as well. Perhaps you mean the comment before that? Again, please quote these “inconsistencies”. If I am wrong, I will face it. I find that the mark of an educated and intelligent person. This is one of the main reasons I do NOT take either you nor Mr. Warshauer seriously. When I have pointed out errors in your logic, reasoning or facts, there has never been an apology but more ranting and raging on the part of Mr. Warshauer. Please, in the future, give me concrete examples of what you are accusing me of. I do the same for you as often as I am able.

If you truly believe the bantering on this site to be a waste of time, then move on. We won’t miss you or Mr. Warshauer. You’re a distraction who’s plans are irrelevant as you are no longer involved with the daily running or future of the Wheaton Grand Theater.

The Neighbor

TheNeighbor commented about Wheaton Grand Theater on Nov 2, 2005 at 5:55 am

Mr. Novelli:

Yes, we all use fictitious names. No, this is not to save us from “embarrassment or alienation from someone who might take a different stand on an issue”. I believe most of us have discovered that we are not taking different stands on this issue, and I am not at all embarrassed to say that I differ in opinion with either you or Mr. Warshauer. I keep myself “cloaked” with a fictitious name because Mr. Warshauer has the appearance of a vindictive, litigious person. This may be true or false; but that is how his messages are perceived by myself on this board. I also know for a fact that he has a tendency to rile up anger and fear by making appearances in businesses and calling business owners, making his usual raving accusations. I do not need that aggravation in my daily life. I get that when I want it and log in on to this website.

Interesting how you quote Biblical scripture. I’ve always found that the more hypocritical the person, the more often they quote the Scriptures. I’m not sure if you’ve affirmed that observation or not, but there it is. I don’t believe that I am “throwing the first stone”. No, I was not involved in the theater restoration. No, I’ve not thrown any money into it (as of yet). I am interested and willing and may do so at any point in time, but not under Mr. Warshauer’s (and therefore your) guidance.

As far as the Travel Agents go, they were in that location for 18 years, not 16. They had not been paying for the additional expense of the utilities after the new leasees moved in. They did, however, pay for GVI’s. Did you ever offer to make restitution? You are as guilty as the Theater Board as far as that is concerned, so I suggest you keep those stones to yourself.

Again, they were NOT evicted, their lease was not renewed. This may not seem to be an important detail to you, but I believe it to be extremely important. And for a company that gets so heated up about the difference between being contracted and hired, I think you should be more careful about these details. Of course, evicted is a more emotional word, and that is what your firm loves to use as a weapon, so I suppose I should not be so shocked that evicted is the word you choose to use in this circumstance.

And as far as your other allegations go:

  1. You’ve never proven this. If you have any evidence, it was never verified by City or Health regulatory bodies. In fact, the Theater has proof to the contrary. You never demonstrate otherwise except by offering to share these facts with us if we visit in person. No one here is interested in that offer due to the insane rantings of your Mr. Warshauer.

  2. Shows you booked months in advance? In other words, shows that should have been performed after your contract was terminated? I suppose you mean the contracts were never correctly signed or submitted to the Theater Board. If that’s the case, good luck with this one.

  3. They actually offered several times (on this website as well) for you to take your concessions back. Also, if you will note, Mr. Warshauer instructed the Board to take those very same concessions and sell them, donating the profits to Katrina disaster relief. If those concessions have not sold, I don’t believe there’s any liability on this issue.

  4. I believe they had to contact some of those clients, as they were contracted to perform at the theater after your contract was terminated. I don’t believe personally that this could be considered “tortuous interference”. It would have been simpler if your agency had given them the information as they were required to, so that many of those same clients didn’t show up at the door with no contract, and were turned away since the Board didn’t know about the agreement. I think any “torturous interference” has been done by Mr. Warshauer himself, who seems to have the uncanny ability to shoot himself in the foot without any help at all.

Just for the record, Mr. Novelli, you and I have never met. I have seen your picture online at your website, but I have yet to have the pleasure/displeasure of meeting you in person. I have met Mr. Warshauer in person only in a couple of very brief encounters, neither of which I expect him to remember. I hope to keep it that way.

The Neighbor

TheNeighbor commented about Wheaton Grand Theater on Nov 1, 2005 at 6:15 pm

I would like to add…

The Travel Agents were not “booted”, the theater board chose not to renew their lease, and this was a separate issue from the other complaints that the tenants reported. From what I understand, they did voice constant complaints. Some of these were unfounded; others were the same complaints I have heard from other shop owners. Including problems with the crowds…crowds of teenagers who also attended the very same shows that Mr. Warshauer himself booked. Hmm. In fact, I think you would find that they were complaining about that WHILE Mr. Warshauer was working with the theater, and that they also filed complaints ABOUT Mr. Warshauer. He was, after all, their neighbor, and they weren’t too pleased with him, if the word around the neighborhood is true.

There are few people (if any) reading this message board who know the truth of what happened. The travel agents know one version, and various board members know other bits and pieces. It is probably better by far to leave them to this issue as it doesn’t really concern the rest of us.

As far as the threat that “the barbers could be next”, yes, I suppose that could be true. Any one or all of those businesses could eventually be evicted or asked to leave or not have their contract renewed. Those things happen, and not just in non-profit situations such as this. There are no guarantees in life or in business. It is their property, and the businesses in those stores pay rent in order to be able to use the property. The do not own it.

Fortunately, there does seem to be some strong support within the Wheaton Grand Board who are trying to keep those businesses open. As I have said before, I believe those smaller storefronts to be an asset in the business environment on Hale, and I stand by that.

In fact, as I recall, Mr. Warshauer’s design for the building includes demolition of all those businesses. Interesting how he’s trying to instill fear of the Board in the people who operate those stores when HE HIMSELF would have them gone. I guess there’s no running for protection into the safe arms of “Uncle Paul” for the barbers, now is there?

Life’s Too Short…HA! Like that one…McDonald’s. <snicker>. You’re a braver person than I am. I don’t think I could handle Mr. Warshauer for even a brief meeting. But then, I’m not sure. I’ve been fortunate to this point to avoid any involved contact with him. In fact, I don’t think he’s the type of person who would ever step foot in my business, so I don’t think I have much to worry about.

Real estate empire? Nice use of sarcasm! Its one of my favorite tools, as well.

The Neighbor

TheNeighbor commented about Wheaton Grand Theater on Oct 25, 2005 at 3:48 am

I also found this article to be very well written. Mr. Warshauer, I don’t understand how you believe that it does nto paint you in a rather psychotic light, but if you want to hide your head in the sand, I suppose that’s not my business.

“When a rumor spread last week that Wheaton Grand Theater Board President Ron Richardson had resigned, Paul Warshauer saw it as evidence his claims about poor leadership at the theater were true.”

No, Mr. Richardson had not resigned, and a new Board President has been elected. I know who he is, do you, Mr. Warshauer? The reason for this particular man’s election is that he is far more of a directionalist. With the current energy running through all the volunteers and the GTC Board, someone was needed to focus some of that energy. Enter the new Board President. Combined with Mr. Shepardson who has the ideas and background to make the theater into the glory it once was, I am sure there will be progress from here on.

“Board members believe a recently uncovered e-mail details exactly how Grand Venues planned to make Richardson and the rest of the board vanish.”

Mr. Warshauer, you don’t think this phrase makes you sound slightly psychotic? Its right out of a cheap comic book.

“Grand Venues officials say business is business, but the larger goal is to make the theater a success. So far, Grand Venues says, the theater board is obsessed with delusions of grandeur with little action to back it up.”

If that really were true, Mr. Warshauer would have done the reasonable thing and left the theater to its own devices. He is no longer involved; the Board, the Volunteers and the community surrounding it have made that clear. This is no longer business. Mr. Warshauer is on a vendetta of some sort. The only delusions of grandeur are his, believing that no theater can function properly without his guidance. There are other people in this world who are more than adequately prepared to handle the challenges of restoring this theater (Mr. Shepardson, as I have already demonstrated). Regardless of whether or not he COULD have continued to produce “great programming” (according to Mr. Warshauer), is irrelevant.

“Titled “Confidential ‘Project Appendix,’æ” the e-mail describes the theater board as a “bad appendix” which, if left in, would cause “the patient (to) die and all surgeons (to) leave the operating room.””

Yep, shades of X-files. Bizarre.

“In Warshauer’s vision, as laid out in the e-mail, once the board is gone, replacements would be seated that would include his partner, Novelli. Warshauer himself would be appointed full-time executive director. And Grand Venues would be awarded the theater development contract, which the current theater board believes would equal a big payday for Grand Venues.”

As we have all figured out, the bottom line here is the “big payday for Grand Venues.” There are no noble goals on Mr. Warshauer’s behalf. He has no interest in restoring the theater, simply making it into another money-maker for GVI (himself). I’m sure he saw part of the possibility it holds. After all, GVI made enough money off of it (legitimately or not) while they did handle the programming.

“In a written statement, board members say shortly after the e-mail came out, Grand Venues began a smear campaign against specific board members to ruin their reputation in the community.”

Again, Mr. Warshauer, do you really think this reflects well on you? That you INTENTIONALLY began a smear campaign?

““We’ve challenged the board to produce a viable financial plan, as well as architectural drawings. To date, they have not done either.”

Theater board members are working on both those issues and have presented a financial plan in limited detail to the community."

Yep. I’ve seen the financial plan, and I happen to know the architectural design is in process. After all, there’s a lot to be decided BESIDES taking down the extra walls. There’s facilities to be added, green rooms and dressing rooms to be built. A lot of details to go over and to figure out exactly where they will add on the necessary requirements to bring this theater into the modern era as far as accomodations are concerned.

“As far as architectural work, the ultimate goal is to make the theater one auditorium, as it was originally built. To that end, the theater board is already working with city staff for a permit to knock down one of the walls that divides the theater into three parts.”

I might be wrong, but I believe they already have that permit. There is some sort of building permit posted on the door of the theater at this time.

“The suit alleges unsafe work conditions in the theater, with falling plaster, squalid bathrooms and malfunctioning exit signs. Warshauer and Novelli claim the theater board refused to fix those issues, so they withheld their rent.”

I have to agree with goaway on this point. Why did Mr. Warshauer continue to hold productions there if the building was unsafe? Witholding rent doesn’t seem to be the logical way to handle this, unless the rent was withheld in order to pay for repairs, which was apparently NOT the case. Did they not call the GTC board to have it fixed immediately? Call it in to the City Inspectors to have the GTC Board fined? Something? Anything to prove their point? If I am involved in an auto accident, and its the other persons fault, I make sure the police officer gives them a ticket for their offence. Its simple logic to ensure my legal standing should a lawsuit develop. Yet nothing was ever filed against the GTC. No reports made, citations issued, etc.

““When we came to inspect the emergency lights not working, we found that the circuit switch had been turned to the ‘off’ position. We then turned it back on, and they’ve been working great ever since,” reads the statement authored by theater board member Scott Pointner.”

This looks particularly bad for Mr. Warshauer. Did he turn off the circuit simply to make a claim so he WOULDN’T have to pay?

“Board members said they never found evidence of falling plaster but said they had it inspected and certified as safe by architects and engineers.”

Which is FINALLY the answer to the question I’d asked WAY BACK when I first started posting here. There has never been any legal liability found as far as the GTC board is concerned. No violations or citations against the Board has ever been filed as far as structural integrity is concerned. No evidence of falling plaster.

“The second obstacle is the viability of Grand Venues’ three-auditorium theater plan. Regardless of the research, or the number of walls in the theater, state law may block the plan.

The Illinois Historic Preservation Agency awarded the Grand Theater Corp. a $25,000 grant in 2001 for roof and masonry repairs. To receive the grant, the theater agreed to have a 10-year covenant placed on the building that limits the scope of construction on the structure. All plans must be approved by the agency before proceeding."

Maybe, as Mr. Warshauer has said, the $25,000 can be repaid although there might be additional fines involved. But what would the point be? The goal of this message board and of the GTC board is to see to the RESTORATION of this theater. RESTORATION not EXPLOITATION. Almost everyone on this board (with the exception of Mr. Warshauer and his alleged staff) are involved because they want to see the Wheaton Grand restored to its former glory and beauty. Mr. Warshauer’s plan would have it stay as it is. And let me just say, that having been inside of it now, I would not be impressed. Nor do I think that Mr. Warshauer’s variety of programming would do any good to the community or maintain the structural integrity of that building.

““Not one of them has any theater experience, and they refuse to learn,” Warshauer said. “There is a pattern and practice of apathy on the board. These guys just don’t do anything.””

Excuse me, Mr. Warshauer, but Mr. Shepardson has an awful LOT of experience, and its his guidance that the GTC Board is relying upon at this point. There is no pattern and practice of apathy at this time. Mr. Warshauer has not been actively involved with the theater for some time, and in no way knows what the current activity level is like. Its obvious that his “mole” isn’t very involved, either. Looks like he needs new help. The Board and Volunteers are doing plenty.

Mr. Warshauer has experience in theater; writing and producing, at any rate. I have found evidence of that myself. As far as mystery plays are concerned, I suppose he does know what he’s doing. This doesn’t impress me overly, but there it is. He has demonstrated NO expertise at restoration of theaters. As far as programming goes, I know many people who could have done as well or better. Its not difficult when these bands are constantly contacting the theater asking to play.

Mr. Shepardson has experience in theater; with programming BIG NAME events (not local bands and boy scout troops that Mr. Warshauer obviously had inside connections with) as well as with restoration. His resume is impressive, indeed. The GTC Board was lucky to have found him. I am eager to find out how this story ends.

I would also like to add as far as Mr. Warshauer understanding Wheaton, which was another point brought up in this article: I know of several businesses that are disgusted by him, and at least one that he was no longer welcome in. The downtown businesses are not impressed with him either. Personally, I hope never to have the displeasure of having him in my place of business.

The Neighbor

TheNeighbor commented about Wheaton Grand Theater on Oct 11, 2005 at 4:48 pm

Thank you, Life’s Too Short!

The contradictions are mind boggling. I don’t really understand why anyone should listen to Mr. Warshauer’s suggestions when he’s done absolutely nothing to demonstrate that he might know what he’s talking about. He has slung accusations, hurled insults, and let insinuations fly, but has done nothing at all positive.

I tried to discuss the three theaters. Way back in the beginning. Way back when I first started posting. Mr. Warshauer decided he didn’t have to answer any of my questions. As a result, I’ve completely discounted any thing he might have to say on the subject.

I am not opposed to discussing three theaters. I am opposed to discussing Mr. Warshauer having any further involvement in the Wheaton Grand Theater with or without three theaters. Unfortunately, Mr. Warshauer has tied those two concepts permanently together. The board of the Wheaton Grand Theater has decided there will be one theater, and I support and trust the decisions made by that board and by Mr. Shepardson.

As far as fundraising goes, again…Mr. Warshauer has nothing to do with it, and I don’t know why he’s even interested. There are plenty of irons in the fire for fundraising, and no one believes its going to happen overnight. As it is, the entertainment schedule is keeping the doors open while other fundraising techniques are being put into play. Why Mr. Warshauer had to make scathing accusations about out of state professional fundraisers to the Wheaton Sun, I’ll never know. Well, maybe I do…but I’m trying to restrain myself.

It is not going to be easy. And I’m sure that a “A community could construct a brand new theatre for that amount!” However, that is not the point, and if Mr. Warshauer truly believes that, he’s on the wrong web site. We are trying to save a piece of architectural and commuity history. That’s the point. We do not want some boring square with black walls that will fall apart in 5-10 years to be torn down and another built in its place.

The DuPage would not have been saved by three theaters. The DuPage was in its death blows years and years ago. We are fortunate that the Grand is in a different town, that there is a different financial support system beneath it, and that it was in operation for a longer period of time. It is luck and fortune that divides us from the fate of the DuPage. Not a plaque (which I happen to like quite a bit). Not three theaters or one. Luck and fortune have also supplied the Grand with Mr. Shepardson, a theater board who makes sound decisions, and volunteers who will give and give and give. The Grand will succeed, and they will succeed without (and despite) Mr. Warshauer.

The Neighbor

TheNeighbor commented about Wheaton Grand Theater on Oct 11, 2005 at 6:26 am

Just for the record,

I went to the Cinema Treasures page for the Genessee, just to see what all the fuss is about. Someone had submitted an article that was in the Chicago Tribune, dated January 9, 2005.

I found this portion of the article very interesting.

“Conflicts of interest seen

Waiving its bidding procedures in November 2003, the City Council voted to enter into a contract of up to $13.2 million with Pickus Companies run by sons of Friends board secretary Allan Pickus, even though another company, St. Louis-based Clayco Construction, was preparing to submit a proposal for $570,000 less. Calls to Allan Pickus were not returned. Pickus companies officials would not comment."

Interesting, very interesting.

I tend to believe there is more on heaven and earth, etc., etc., etc. I’m sure Mr. Shepardson’s side of the story is quite different. There’s a good chance that he tried, unsuccessfully, to point the city into a different direction than the one they chose to take.

However, my favorite difference between Mr. Shepardson and Mr. Warshauer is the amount of class each of them is showing…or not. Mr. Shepardson DID NOT turn around and file a frivolous lawsuit against the Gennesee or the people of Waukegan. He is NOT on that cinema treasures page shaking his fist (figuratively speaking) and trying to provoke anger and bad feelings. He is NOT writing silly, pointless diatribes to the local papers. He simply, gracefully, and intelligently picked up, and left the Gennessee. Period. He has taken the higher ground.

Regardless of what Mr. Warshauer tries to say about Mr. Shepardson, the truth is evident in their behavior, and time will tell in the end.

The Neighbor

TheNeighbor commented about Wheaton Grand Theater on Oct 11, 2005 at 3:30 am

The Prowler:

Since you’ve asked for information, I’ve managed to scrounge up some. I know that internet information can be easily discounted since anyone and everyone can post “facts” on the internet these days. So, here are some “hard copy” pieces of literature for any and all to investigate.

First, and most impressive piece of information on Mr. Shephardson would be the very nice book, “Cleveland Classics: Great Stories from the North Coast”, ISBN number 0-9701305-3-8. Mr. Shepardson’s bio appears on page 60. This book contains some incredible cultural icons and, judging solely by the company he has in this book, I would say that Mr. Shepardson ranks among the cultural icons of Cleveland if not the midwest. It is interesting to note that he spends most of the interview in a very humble manner, sharing much of the glory with the people who influenced him as well as the people who helped him. Its an incredible piece and I recommend it highly.

Next “Hard copy” for recommendation would be the magazine “Cleveland” in its collectibe 30th anniversary copy, “The 30 People Who Defined Cleveland”. Again, Mr. Shepardson is among the elite of Cleveland. If you were to judge him solely on the company he is listed among, that would be amazing enough. But this particular magazine has the subtitle for his bio, “Savior of Playhouse Square, Theater Planner.”

Yep, savior. For the record, Playhouse Square is the second largest performing arts complex in the United States.

Detroit Magazine, in an article on Woordward Avenue entitled “Street of Dreams” refers to Mr. Shepardson as “the nation’s leading expert on movie palace restoration, who was called in to work his magic on the Fox.”

Leading expert, no less. 80% of the original materials, paints and finishes have been preserved (approximately) according to the article. Now, that’s preservation!

And as far as cash flow goes, I’d like to note that according to Progressive Architecture Magazine in an article from June of 1990 on Preservation: Theaters writes, “The Fox has proven to be a successful location for concerts and touring theatrical productions: in 1989, it was the top-grossing theater in the country.”

Commercial Interior Design and Architecture, March 1996 has an article about The Orpheum in Minneapolis, which Mr. Shepardson was also involved in. The Orpheum, by the way, is only one half block from the State theater, and therefore care was taken in focusing The Orpheum’s entertainment schedule in a way which would not conflict with The State’s. Sound familiar?

Anyway, to quote the author, “Making it pretty again was done on a tight budget, nonetheless. For example, the two most important decorative elements, paint and lighting, were cut by $300,000 and $100,000 respectively. ‘We backed off on the finishes and downsized the lobby chandeliers to save money,’ remarks Shepardson. The gilded central dome became the focal point—and a useful distraction from the low-budget walls.”

The article goes on to explain how the budget was not cut as far as ADA compliance is concerned, and many of the original work which was discovered in the process of restoration.

Tired yet?

Corporate Detroit Magazine (just for something different) from August 1992 interviewed Mr. Shepardson for a piece on whether restoration of old theaters can revive a downtown area. In this article, it lists many of his triumphs; The Fox, The Gem, The State and The Grand Circus.

To quote the author, Lynn Waldsmith, “And just in case you’re still laughing, consider C) It’s already happening. The Fox, State and Gem, along with the Music Hall, are already packing them in. (At the Gem, some performances have been sold out.)”

This article mainly focuses on his work in the Detroit area.

Here’s the part I like…“‘You’ll see people walking through this area like they walk through Greektown now,’ predicts David DiChiera, founder and general director of the Michigan Opera Theater. ‘These people will come. I’ve seen thousands of people come to the Fox—and not only for headliners—who otherwise never would have come downtown. They’re coming down to see that single theater. So imagine the potential when a real (theater) environment is there.’”

Yep, thousands of people walking through downtown Wheaton? I’d settle for hundreds <grin>.

The article in Architectural Lighting Magazine is worth getting just for the pictures. In the March 1990 issue, they ran an article on the lighting design of the Fox theater…which Mr. Shepardson designed. Amazing…no words can describe these pictures. You simply have to get your hands on one of these. I’m not sure if the magazine is any longer available, but there should be copies of it on film or computer somewhere.

Well, that’s a start. Between the hard information I have seen and the childish antics of Mr. Warshauer (including the very silly letter he wrote to the Sun newspaper), I have definitely made up my mind. Mr. Shepardson is on the right track, and Mr. Warshauer is nothing more than a spoiled child upset because he didn’t win. Why attack Mr. Shepardson? Because if you can’t win on your own merit, you have to viciously attack. Unfortunately for Mr. Warshauer, he’s doing nothing but bringing more negative attention onto his own head.

Hope I’ve helped somewhat.

The Neighbor

TheNeighbor commented about Wheaton Grand Theater on Sep 26, 2005 at 6:34 am

Mr. Warshauer:

I will not entertain any discussions presented by you at any time. You only propose to “discuss” the one venue plan as an opportunity to again “bash” the board of the theater for their current plan.

You are no longer connected to the theater in any way, save for the currently pending lawsuit. As soon as that matter is over with, you will have no connection of any kind. You currently have no say in what direction the theater goes, and nor should you. Your contract has been terminated. All that remains is for the Board to tie up the legal loose ends that you have created, and you will be nothing but a paragraph in the history of the theater’s remodeling.

I would also like to correct you on one term that you keep using. This web site is not a blog, it is a message board. It would be wise for you understand the difference between these terms before throwing them around. Just because “blog” is the hip new term doesn’t mean that its the appropriate one.

Along those lines, I would also like to add that this is not a “We hate Paul Warshauer” site, although I would not be surprised to find one in cyberspace somewhere. I realize there are a couple of people who are coming through this website who have had interactions with Mr. Warshauer at some past place and time, and whose goal it seems is to expose him as the criminal and con man he appears to be. I would like to let you know that your work here is done. The people in Wheaton are well aware of the nature of Mr. Warshauer. But by posting on this board you invoke the beast. Much like a demon possession, Mr. Warshauer appears whenever we invoke his name. I’d like to see him fade away, and feel that he will do so if we ignore him. Coming in and expressing how horrible he is simply fans the flames of his self absorption. Only by not responding to him at all will we ever rid ourselves of him and be able to carry on a civil conversation. There are many potential victims out there who need your vigilance. I wish you well.

To the Wheaton Grand Theater Board:

I will add my congratulations! The party was wonderful, the photographs amazing and Mr. Shepardson is every bit the gentleman I thought he was. Quite the opposite of the blustery Mr. Warshauer in all ways. The cake was also quite yummy.

Also, I would like to add that several of my customers have inquired as to whether there will be any films playing there soon. There seems to be a profound interest in the older films. Of course, that might be a bias of the type of customer that I have enter my business, but I thought I’d pass it on.

The Neighbor

TheNeighbor commented about Wheaton Grand Theater on Sep 13, 2005 at 6:42 am

Mr. Warshauer:

Now I understand why all these lawsuits are aimed at you. Live by the sword, die by the sword. I hope you are now content at the arrangements you have made for yourself.

In the meantime, I would like the rest of us to focus on life after Mr. Warshauer. There seems to be quite a few people following his every footstep who will assure that he does not pillage another village. Let us those of us in Wheaton move forward out of the wreckage and make plans anew for the future of the Wheaton Grand.

Does anyone have any fundraising ideas? Ideas on use? I’m sure there must be someone other than rock bands we can have rent the theater for funds. There was a church group in there last week, there’s a movie showing this week. Any ideas? Many of us are involved in non-profits outside of the theater without even thinking; both they and for-profit entities might be interested in renting the theater for various reasons. Like the church group from last week.

I think it would be a blast if there were some sort of film fest in there…something fun that might draw a large crowd for nostalgia’s sake…or maybe even some sort of cult following, although probably not Rocky Horror! Just a couple ideas to get the discussion ball rolling.

The Neighbor

TheNeighbor commented about Wheaton Grand Theater on Sep 3, 2005 at 3:03 am


Well, at least he answered one of my questions in parting. GVI seems to think that The Wheaton Grand Theater will simply be handed over to them instead of paying the “large judgment in cash”.

This is interesting coming from a man who apparently can’t pay a $4000 judgment “in cash”. I’d have thought he’d want the money.

So now we can discuss what is in store for the future of the theater. Any ideas on fundraisers? I know there’s a new committee in the works, but they do seem to be focused on the “large game”, so to speak. As in the big-ticket corporations. I’m sure there’s something the rest of us lowly business people can do in regards to small-ticket fundraisers and raising public support.

At the last board meeting, we were told that someone had begun an email friend list of some sort. Has anyone checked into Cafe Press? They’re an online company that does print-as-they’re-ordered t-shirts, bumper stickers, pins & the like. There’s another non-profit organization that I’m involved with that uses them for their merchandise. Its just an idea. I was thinking that a contest for a logo would be cool; I know I’d be happy to accept entries, and I’m sure that a few other businesses would as well. And I’d be willing to contribute a “prize” for the winner; or the runner up, or whatever. An event like that would get the businesses involved, raise money and raise word-of-mouth, which is always a good thing. Any opinions? Ideas?

The Neighbor

TheNeighbor commented about Wheaton Grand Theater on Aug 30, 2005 at 4:31 pm

Mr. Warshauer:

It is so very interesting that you use such provocative terms, “your derisive comments and cheap character assassinations” in order to “focus more on the building and its future”. As I believe everyone can see for themselves, you have been equally or perhaps even more to blame on that score than anyone on this message board. Whenever anyone disagrees with your position, you attack first and ask questions later.

“Mike Novelli has always been more polite. I am the blunt partner.” That is not the way I would describe you. You are the rude partner. I have stated in almost every post I have made that I am not judging you based on innuendos dropped by people who claim to have some sort of past experience with you. My judgment of your character has come strictly from your performance on this list. Yet you insist on calling me a “shill” and a “liar”. And I am the one making “derisive comments and cheap character assassinations”? Really.

“I will not diminsh the good work he has done either but none of us are saints! These are not the key issues.” Then why do you persistently bring up these allegations? And why do you do so without stating any facts…there are no dates, no quotes, no figures to back any of this up. I admit, other people here have done the same to you. I have not. I have said it before, and I will say it again that my judgment of you is strictly based upon your own behavior. Yes, I am taking the one theater plan at face value. They are in charge, and this is the way it will be, and you’ve not given me one logical reason why it should not be so except that you say so, and the architect you’ve hired says so. Oh, and the fellow from LHAT says so. Right. You know what they say about statistics, right? It all depends on whose hands they’re in. Statistics can be twisted in a thousand different ways.

At the end of the day, the facts (and these are facts) remain the same. You have filed a lawsuit against the Wheaton Grand Board. They have restricted completely your access to their board meetings as well as possibly even access to the building as a whole. In the event that your lawsuit is found in your favor, is there any chance at all that your firm will be reinstated to manage the entertainment at the Wheaton Grand? I do not see it as even a remote possibility. If you do, please let us know how (and why) you see that happening. Otherwise, I do not understand what you hope to achieve. The Wheaton Grand Theater Board has made its decision to follow a one theater plan. The Wheaton Grand Board terminated its contract with your firm. Where do you see yourself in the future of the Wheaton Grand?

As far as the rest of this goes, I understand the plaster has been certified. There are no more issues (and may never have been any, I have yet to see any evidence that there were issues) regarding that. In regard to the rest of the public safety issues, I asked before if the Wheaton Grand had ever been fined in any way? Had they gone through the routine fire inspections? Did they pass?

Did you bother to answer me?

I have asked you before in regard to your complaints about the parking. The largest theater now has a fire regulation capacity of 722. That’s for one theater. What is the difference as far as downtown parking between 722 and 800? And in your plan, there are three theater/stage areas, so potentially all of them could be running simultaneously. I would assume that would be the point to having three separate stage areas…that you could maximize the time by scheduling multiple events. If that were so, then wouldn’t the three stages have the equivalent number of patrons minus whatever the wall space would take up? So isn’t this just a matter of splitting hairs?

You are also aware, I assume, that the parking lot behind the theater goes under construction in November of this year?

The Wheaton Grand Theater Board has regular public forums. I have attended one. You were apparently blocked from the open meeting due to your legal status with the theater. As far as that goes, I have said before that I don’t blame them for that decision. You have, at the least, been contentious toward many of the volunteers and staff of the theater. I think I would have done the same thing had I been in their shoes.

No, lawsuits are not in general immoral. However, I personally see no reason for you filing this particular lawsuit. Its not the lawsuit itself that’s immoral. Its you receiving $100,000 for no apparently good reason that is immoral. As far as I can tell, your contract was rightfully terminated, and they had every reason to do so within 14 days of notice with or without cause. So that would mean to me that even on the remotest whim they could have terminated the contract. Is that incorrect? Did you have a different perception? Is there a different phrase in the original contract? Please feel free to correct that particular “fact” if I am incorrect. I do not want to again be vaguely accused of spreading “lies”.

I am not blinded nor deluded. I see the Wheaton Grand every day. I know what “shape” its in, and it is certainly not crumbling. It is not “sad” as you keep saying. Why do you keep saying that? How long has it been since you’ve seen it? You do seem to be out of touch with the happenings on Hale Street. You know they do have movies there on occasion? You know the volunteers are perfectly happy? You know that the jazz night gets more people every session? They are scheduling fundraiser after fundraiser, and have a complete committee set up just to pursue fundraising? How far out of the loop are you?

WE are not fighting, Mr. Warshauer, you are. If you will notice, I am not fighting with a single other person on this board, nor have they been fighting with me. WE are busy moving forward. I don’t think anyone is even bothering with you anymore, which is the wise course, and what I had meant to do originally myself. But I keep trying. I think that someone as persistent as you must really beleive in what they are doing…or have some other hidden motive. So I keep trying to find out exactly what it is that makes you persist, and yet I just don’t understand. You don’t want to explain anything to any of us because you don’t have to prove yourself, and we have menial minds, and yet we’re just supposed to accept you as our savior with no information at all? Do you not see what I am saying? If you want me to understand you, you will have to explain your point of view to me. If you can not deign to explain, then there is nothing at all I can do, and no reason to entertain dialog with you any further. If you want to “discuss”, then I suggest you start answering questions, not blustering about and hurling insults and insinuations.

The Neighbor

TheNeighbor commented about Wheaton Grand Theater on Aug 28, 2005 at 4:48 am

Mr. Warshauer:

I have never demonstrated on this list that I have any problems with men. I think I have been perfectly polite to all men on this list. I insinuated and stated that I believed you to have a problem with women simply because you were considerate to me until I posted that I was a woman. In reality, it would have been better if you were a chauvinist. There would have been a psychological reason for your rudeness that I could easily excuse in a man of your years. If this is not the case, I am indeed sorry for making that assumption. Truthfully, your posts since then should have demonstrated that you are equally rude to all persons regardless of gender, so I do apologize for that accusation.

I have not expected pleasant (let alone polite) treatment from you. In fact, I was pleasantly suprised that Mr. Novelli can respond with such dignified and intelligent responses.

No, I have no issues with men. If you knew me outside of this forum, you would know what a good joke that truly is.

Truthfully, if you knew me outside of this forum, you would also know how amusing it is that you think I am incapable of research. Proof again that my anonymity is secure.

There are many people who are “fired” from one job or another, for thousands of different reasons. The point is that the word “lawsuit” does not come up with his name, whereas with your name there are multiple examples in Cook County alone. And that there seems to be a crowd…an “anti-fan” club, if you will, following your progress across the country. I can only imagine what you have done to inflame the anger of these people to such an extent? I do not see anyone following Mr. Shepardson in the same fashion. They are vehemently set against you, Mr. Warshauer, and instead of facing that there might be something you have done wrong, you point your fingers and make accusations about some sort of plot. Do you not see how insane that sounds? There are people walking the streets of Chicago with tin foil hats who sound more sane.

There is no way that you could ever be my landlord. Sorry. That is just so impossible on so many levels. Even if the Red Sea parted, California fell off the map, and you became reinstated in any capacity at the Wheaton Grand, you would not be my landlord. Nope. Just plain impossible.

I have said over and over again, from the very beginning, that I am not involved with Wheaton Grand in any way. Do you simply not read my posts, or are you trying to say that you don’t believe that very simple statement? I don’t know how else to say it. I am not a volunteer, I am not on the Wheaton Grand Board. I know many of the volunteers now well enough to say “hi” if I pass them on the street, and a couple of their relatives. That’s it. I attended the Board meeting as a matter of interest, and met many of the Board members. Many of the people in the bands that have played at the theater have come into my business, and I have spoken with many of the business owners on Hale Street as well as business people on Main Street and in other places downtown Whaton. We do all talk, you know. That is all. I am in no way affiliated with the Wheaton Grand theater. I think everyone else reading these posts knew that already.

How about all the simple questions that have been asked of you? Will you answer any of them?

You have a lawsuit pending with the Wheaton Grand. I’m not impressed. It means one of two things. Either you will make money immorally by winning, or you will rightfully loose and be forced, once and for all, to go away. I don’t see either option with you coming in and taking over. How do you see that as possible? If you had quietly stayed in the shadows and not lashed out at everyone in vovled in the theater, I can see how there might have been a reconciliation. But given that everyone knows about this site and the other one as well now, I see no hope of that. Do you think you will force them to accept you back? If so, do you think you’ll have control over anything more that the management of the talent? You behave as if you will come out of this owning the entire theater. Is this simple narcissism, or is there some sort of clause in your lawsuit demanding reinstatement and/or possession?

One more time: I have no involvement with the Wheaton Grand Theater. I am not an employee, a volunteer or a Board member. I do not write rent checks to any person involved with Wheaton Grand Theater or to any person on the Wheaton Grand Board, or even to the Wheaton Grand Theater non-profit organization itself. I have absolutely no affiliation in any way, shape or form with the Wheaton Grand except on a now friendly basis.

Sorry to disappoint your conspiracy theory.

The Neighbor

TheNeighbor commented about Wheaton Grand Theater on Aug 27, 2005 at 6:08 pm

Mr. Warshauer:

Thank you for your half-hearted, tongue-in-cheek, sarcastic apology. I will certainly take that into consideration when dealing with you in the future.

If you are going to accuse me of lying, I would certainly think you could at least tell me what I am lying about. As far as fact-checking goes, it is very difficult to check my facts when you consistenly ignore questions so that I could check the facts. Of course, when someone with an obviously male name asks the same questions I have repeatedly asked, they are answered immediately and thanked for asking. No, you’re not a chauvinist, are you.

Also, as far as pitting Mr. Shepardson against you, I have to say that Mr. Shepardson is obviously more of a gentleman. He has yet to stoop to your level of name calling and finger pointing. He knows this website, and for all I know may read it religiously. He has yet to respond to your snide comments, and for that I give him credit.

I would suggest that you “google” or “yahoo” search to get the answers to your own question. When I “google” search on your name, I find nothing but web pages filled with anger at you, links to newspaper articles making accusations and other message boards where people from all over the country are filled with hostility toward you. When I did a similar search on Mr. Shepardson, I found one entry that indicated he was fired. One. There were no accusations of theft, no lawsuits, no animosity. I think that says something about his character. Its interesting that it is you who have been accused of those same things that you are accusing him; and yet no one else seems to be accusing Mr. Shepardson of anything.

We will happily be discussing plans for the future of the Wheaton Grand theater. We discuss them frequently. I discuss that very same subject with many people who walk in and out of my place of business. But there is no point in discussing it with you. You are not involved.

The Neighbor

TheNeighbor commented about Wheaton Grand Theater on Aug 25, 2005 at 7:44 pm

Mr. Novelli:

In a roundabout way, I suppose this brings me to my point.

I find it interesting that your company has a plan for the Wheaton Grand Theater and keeps attempting to be involved in the daily operation. To the best of my knowledge, the current board has no interest at all in retaining your services, and even if the lawsuit were decided in your favor, you would still not be reinstated as management for the Wheaton Grand. So how do you expect to carry out these plans? I find the discussion of the one theater/three theater concept to be intellectually stimulating, but in essence pointless. After all, you have no control and I see little potential change in that direction. So in the long run, whatever the Board decides will be the direction that the Wheaton Grand is taken.

I also find it interesting that even though you heartily promote the diversity three stages will bring, you as heartily would agree to rip other businesses out in order to make room for it. Does not the same theory apply to the overall downtown area? This is where my main interest lies, in the variety of shops maintained in the downtown shopping district. To destroy several other shops as well as the Mason Lodge in order to create your dream is simply not worth the sacrifice to me. Shoppers need a reason to come downtown, and those spots are some of the best values in Wheaton. There are people unable to afford larger stores, people who do not need larger stores, people just beginning and people who have been in those stores for 18 years. The idea that you would ruthlessly yank them out to further your own cause and pocketbook is heartless, and would be a death blow to the shopping district on Hale Street.

And let me add at this point that regardless of Mr. Warshauer’s past indiscretions or lack of them, whether he has stolen money or otherwise “ripped people off” is actually irrelevant to me. He has been nothing but rude to me since discovering that I am a woman. He has been consistently rude to other people on this board. He does not apologize for even those mistakes which all humans make, never admitting a single flaw in his own character, but greedily jumping on everyone else’s. You seem to be the exception in Grande Venues, not the rule. You have, to this point, shown a very considerate, intelligent and polite face to the board. I do believe that you actually believe Mr. Warshauer to be an honest and capable businessman. However, I will not support Grande Venues as long as he is a party to it. I may or may not eventually come to accept a “one theater” concept, but I will never accept, promote or agree to there being a Grande Venues participation in the theater. It is true that my opinion may not count on that score. Maybe it does. I will also say that if it ever came to pass that Mr. Warshauer did some how become involved with the Wheaton Grand Theater ever again, I would seriously consider relocating my business to some other suburban town simply to get away from him. I do not deserve the treatment he has dealt me, and there are many others on this message board who did not deserve the treatment he doled out either. Never has there been any apology on his part towards those of us that he insulted, accused or otherwise disparaged.

If I were to see some sort of an apology, I might change my mind, but I seriously doubt it. His credibility has been severely damaged by his own behavior on this board, apart from any other accusations that may or may not have been made elsewhere. He really didn’t need anyone to help him destroy his reputation. He’s done it all himself.

The Neighbor

TheNeighbor commented about Wheaton Grand Theater on Aug 23, 2005 at 2:11 pm

Mr. Novelli:

I am afraid I am not able to debate you on the issue of what could/could not be sold insofar as subscriptions. I believe that what would be available at The Grand would be far more interesting than what is available at Wheaton Drama, and more valuable to a different and more diverse group of people. This is based upon what I, myself, and others that I know would be interested in. It is certainly an off-the-cuff type of assumption, but there it is.

It is, however, my understanding that the vast majority of financing that the Grand is planning is through Grants, not Loans. Considering that they are already eligible for 1.7 million in grants, this seems not so very far-fetched as it may have been before the building was recognized as a historical landmark. If that is the case, then the money would not have to be paid back and such a horrendous amount of money would not have to be raised to do so. That should greatly reduce the number of subscriptions that would need to be sold, wouldn’t it?

As far as the “on-premise” restoration, I’m assuming that you are including the now existing store fronts that are part of that building? You would be, in essence, eliminating 4 separate businesses who would or would not be able to find comparable space elsewhere in downtown Wheaton.

If the Mason Lodge is an option, does that mean that you have spoken with someone as far as the purchase of that land?

In the meantime, I think I will let others more qualified debate other statistics.

I am still going to maintain my stance on this until all the information is collected. I’m afraid the character of your business partner has seriously injured my ability to join you. I’ve tried to remain objective, but truthfully, his reactions to me have tainted my opinion and its best that I admit that up front. I would very much like to give you the benefit of the doubt as you seem much more reasonable and level-headed. I hope that I am correct in that evaluation.

Thank you for responding calmly and intelligently to my questions.

The Neighbor

TheNeighbor commented about Wheaton Grand Theater on Aug 23, 2005 at 8:09 am

Mr. Novelli:

I believe we are going to have to agree to disagree on the subject of whether or not Wheaton Drama and Wheaton Grand would share subscribers. I believe that under the current proposal, the two would have completely different offerings. Many people are not enthusiastic about live theater, particularly when it is run-of-the-mill local theater with little or no creativity. I am not saying that the actors themselves are not talented; merely that the presentations are not what I would consider particularly inventive. Theater such as “Annie” and “You Can’t Take it With You” (their last two productions) are limited in scope and audience. As much as I might enjoy them (“You Can’t Take it With You” being one of my particular favorites), they are out of touch with modern audiences. I do believe that, based on what has been proposed so far by the current management, the entertainment being brought in to the Grand would be of a much different, and in my mind, wider and more profitable variety.

Also, I believe that if you look into current statistics both at-home DVD sales and away from home movie venues are on an extreme downslope. Hollywood is simply not generating much (if anything) of interest these days. Add that in to the expense of movies…with ticket cost and those very same “premium concessions”, the average joe is finding it far too expensive to go out to the movies. I know I do! I can buy the DVD for under $10 most times, and sit in the comfort of my own home without children screaming, and eat whatever I please for far less than the cost at a concession stand.

As far as the other programming you are proposing, I really do not see that the types of people that would come into town for those shows would do my business any good at all. In addition, I see Kza’s point as far as three auditoriums causing a great deal of confusion and difficulty.

My other question would be; in your plan, what do you expect to acquire/demolish in order to provide these things? You mentioned the Mason Lodge. Is it for sale? Would the current construction in the parking lot behind the building interfere with that plan? Isn’t Egglectic in the way? How would they feel about being overshadowed by the increased size of your proposal? Would you extend along the other side, therefore putting all other businesses on Hale Street out? Or does your plan allow for growth purely within the confines of the building itself.

I would also like to know whether with all this planning on both sides of the fence, either side has taken their plans into to an architectural engineer to analyze the probability, stability and safety of any of these constructs? Often what architects think and engineers will approve are completely different subjects.

The Neighbor

TheNeighbor commented about Wheaton Grand Theater on Aug 21, 2005 at 7:04 pm

Although I have said I will not comment, I must at this point at least point out that I am not now, nor have I in the past been a “shill” for Mr. Loster. Your insistence and ignorance on this point is exactly what lost my interest in you.

I have met with Mr. Loster because there was a point in time where he was no longer (and rightfully so) posting on this board. In order to find out the answers to the many questions I have posted, I sought him out. He was extremely informative. I gave you the same chance here on the board. You ignored all of my questions, and continue to do so. In addition, you seem to think that I am the figment of someone’s imagination. I assure you that is not the case.

I have knowledge of his leave from the board, and although I do not know the exact circumstances, I do understand it completely. It is unfortunate that you are less forgiving. It is a black mark on your character.

I am not ignorant or ill informed. I have seen the plans and the proposals, and have spoken at length with other members of the board in regards to the current plan. I was at the meeting. You were not.

There will be no real public debates with you because you do not share facts and figures. If you would like to share some of these facts and figures with those of us who have “mundane minds”, I would love to see them. But please keep it on the list. Again, I do not want to meet with you in person because of the before mentioned concerns as far as your behavior and your overall attitude towards people who do not immediately embrace your ideals. I am sorry, but I need concrete evidence and hardcore facts before I am going to jump on your bandwagon.

Why you insist on believing me to be a “shill” for the theater is beyond me. All I have asked from the beginning is for you to answer simple questions so that I can better understand your proposal. You have evaded my questions time and time again. How can I possibly see your side of things if you do not give me any reason to? How could I “side” with anyone other than the current theater board when it has become apparent that you are just slinging empty threats around needlessly? If that is not true, then back it up. Show us something of interest. Show us something positive. Then I might be willing to listen to you.

In the meantime, I will reiterate what has been said before. You are sadly mistaken if you think anyone wants you riding in on your white horse to save the day. You are not currently needed. I have no reason to believe otherwise as you won’t supply me with any of the information that I would need to come to that conclusion. So I will have to assume that you simply like frustration and wasting taxpayers money and the time of our judicial system. Until I see some sort of basis for your rantings, I will have to maintain my point of view.

I do wish I was able to resist this temptation and that I were strong enough not to rise to your bait. Its obvious that you like a certain amount of argument in your life. I really don’t care for it myself, but when you accuse me of things that simply are not true, I feel like I have to defend myself. There are people who might know who I am, and I would not have them believing the lies that you are tossing about in order to irritate me. I know there is no convincing you; you had made up your mind the moment I said that I was a woman.

The Neighbor

TheNeighbor commented about Wheaton Grand Theater on Aug 21, 2005 at 3:17 am

Sorry; in editing my previous comment, I apparently screwed up the grammatical text.

I had meant to compliment WGTLuver on catching Mr. Warshauer…

If the National Registry recognition had occurred during MR. WARSHAUER’S watch, HE would have been bragging about it to the four corners of the universe.

Those darn indefinite pronouns.

Sorry again,

The Neighbor

TheNeighbor commented about Wheaton Grand Theater on Aug 19, 2005 at 6:41 pm

First, WGTLuver:

You has a point; if the National Register entry had occurred during your watch, you would have done the utmost to see it promoted to the hilt and bragged about it to the four corners of the earth. Well called, WGTLuver!

Mr. Warshauer:

This is the LAST comment I will address to you because I have no interest in being dragged through this over and over again.

Insulting those of us on the board with “mundane minds” is not likely to garner any sympathy for your cause.

I have, to my knowledge, not called you a liar. You are verbally aggressive and an active finger pointer, always blaming someone or something. I believe that is what I have said, although I admit I did not just now page through every one of my (sometimes lengthy) posts to see for sure. I did say that you have not answered my questions.

I do not wish to meet in person with you. I want everything to be kept open on this board so that all answers given are from your own hand, not second hand accounts from me as to what you have said. I will admit to having a fair bit of distrust in the idea of meeting you; your extremely hostile and demanding remarks make me think that you are no doubt slandering people all over Wheaton. I have no desire to drag my name nor the name of my partners into the muck that follows in your wake simply because I disagree with you.

As far as I understand it, the National Register status allows the theater board to immediately be eligible for 1.7 million dollars toward restoration. I do not consider that a worthless gesture. Also, if spun correctly, it would garner an additional amount of news exposure, and possibly more corporate funding as a direct result. Both of these things are wonderful, and should not be so lightly dismissed.

I am not as stupid as you would like to believe. I am not myself involved in theater. I have been around people involved in theater all of my life. I have friends currently involved in theater, one who graduated with a bachelor’s degree in stage productions. I have other friends involved in live theater in Evanston. I have worked in the entertainment industry, although not in theater. I was employed WRITING about theater as well as other entertainment pieces. So I do have some idea about what you are talking about. I also have several friends in the music industry, including a couple of people who have placed rather highly on the Christian charts. Not that I need to or want to submit my resume to you. It is in the interest of sharing this with other people on this board that I write these things, so that they will know what background I am coming from, and as a defense against your accusations.

As far as income, etc. for the theater, I understand the need to keep it viable. I am, however, interested in my first priority, which is keeping downtown Wheaton viable. The programs you have proposed over and over again are losing propositions as far as any helpful income for my business, so I would have to disagree with you as far as their usefulness to me. I am far more interested in the types of entertainment Mr. Loster has proposed.

Your discussion at this point is completely irrelevant. Your contract was terminated. You are no longer desired. Your services are not necessary. Whether you agree with the one venue plan or not does not matter in the least. Quite honestly, I doubt that you do know what you are talking about as you cannot answer simple questions. I have distrusted you since you proved your character to me very early on; you are not the type of man who can admit to a mistake, you are uncharitable, unkind and rude.

I have had occassion now to speak to Mr. Loster in person, and as I mentioned in a previous post he was far kinder to you than you have ever been to him. He is by far your apparent superior, being in all things a gentleman. Whether or not the information he received was accurate in the Garvey situation is difficult to ascertain, but I believe he honestly did believe it and that is enough for me.

You don’t have to debate these real business elements with us. I, in fact, will not do so ever again. The answer is simple. Please, go and pay attention to the theaters that agree with you, with the ones who want your services. Why you feel it necessary to beat your head against this is beyond me. Whether or not I agree with you in any other fashion, I will say that either you so completely believe in this that you can’t give up; or perhaps you are to egotistic to believe that your services are truly not wanted. I don’t know how it could possibly be explained to you any other way. Which is why I will try very, very hard not to respond to any more of your rantings.

I can’t promise, of course. I am only human after all.

The Neighbor

TheNeighbor commented about Wheaton Grand Theater on Aug 19, 2005 at 2:38 am

As far as Mr. Warshauer and Mr. Novelli are concerned, I would heartily suggest that we begin to talk around them. I have attempted to ask them direct questions to bring them into the conversation, but all I have received is ranting and accusations. There is no point on carrying out further discussions. I think everyone who was at the Board meeting knows how things stand. The Board shared with everyone who was there exactly what plans have been laid to raise the money, and exactly how much money is required for each step. All the plans as to what is needed to be done were at least shown; I beleive that if anyone wanted the particulars for any certain aspect it would be theirs for the asking.

Whether or not Mr. Warshauer and Mr. Novelli were allowed in is a direct result of their own behavior and legal stance. I would be hard pressed myself to allow someone onto my own property who was involved in a contentious lawsuit; particularly when they had been so vocally aggressive toward me.

As I result, I heartily suggest we get on with the business at hand, and let them speak their mind. If there are people here who wish to waste their time arguing with them, feel free. But I, myself see no point. They have their opinion. I have mine. They do not share with me the facts and figures necessary to change my mind to the point of view that they are promoting. Therefore further conversation would be futile. I do not enjoy the hostile overtones of Mr. Warshauer’s posts. It is as though if I will not take his word for what he is telling us, then I must be a complete idiot, or he should be able to bully me into accepting his opinion as gospel fact.

Again, let us go forward. Many hurdles have been jumped to this point. The first lawsuit is gone and soon to be forgotten. The next nuisance is soon to be passed. Has anyone given any thought to other matters put before the board at the meeting?

The Neighbor

TheNeighbor commented about Wheaton Grand Theater on Aug 17, 2005 at 5:01 pm

Mr. Loster:

I’d like to add my congratulations to The Grand Theater for its recognition as a Federally Recognized Historic Landmark!!! We all knew it was, after all…just a matter of a few good people putting in a heckuva lot of work. Kudos to all.

The meeting was very informative, and I am extremely glad that I attended. Many of my questions were put to rest, and I am more secure in the management, staff, board and volunteers of The Wheaton Grand than I was before I went. It will be interesting to see what comes of the issues that were brought to light. Thank you for answering my many questions that went unanswered in this forum. It is relieving to know that all the safety issues are well underhand, and have been for some time.

Again, thank you for informing me of the meeting. I will try to attend more of them in the future, and inspire other downtown business people to do the same whenever possible.

The Neighbor