Comments from Warco

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Warco commented about Wallace Theater on Jan 16, 2012 at 1:55 pm

I spent my entire childhood going to the Wallace theatre. There is a significant day in history, at least for me. I went to the theatre to see Johnny the Giant Killer in June of 1962. They showed a cartoon, a three Stooges short film and the main film. Somewhere along the line, I fell to sleep and was awakened by a friend at 8:00 pm that evening still in my seat. My Dad had been looking for me and wasn’t happy. Anyway, on that day, there was a major Gas Explosion in Crown Point, IN , June 1962 and when I came out of the theatre, the sky was completely orange. That image has stuck in my mine all my life and was directly associated with the Wallace theatre. I knew the owners of the theatre and they reminded me of Laurel and Hardee. One was thin and English looking and the other was the exact opposite, heavier and more business like. Those were glorious days.