Comments from WKraftsow

Showing 2 comments

WKraftsow commented about Leo Mall Twin on Sep 14, 2006 at 12:27 pm

Your memory is correct, the Leo was a single theatre originally and was twinned in the manner you speak of. My memories of the Leo, Colonial and Premiere were that they were nice theatres, but not exceptional theatres. I do recall that for a while, before they became AMC theatres, many of the AMC theatres were owned by Budco. The Orleans theatre is such an example.

WKraftsow commented about Leo Mall Twin on Sep 14, 2006 at 6:54 am

The Leo Mall, the Leo Theatres, and the Krewstown Shopping Center (also in N.E. Philly) were owned by Posel Management. The late Mr. Ramon Posel also created the Ritz Theatre chain.