Comments from Zgirl101

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Zgirl101 commented about Paris Drive-In on Oct 28, 2013 at 12:26 pm

My grandfather Emil and my Uncle Ollie Zeiler opened up the Paris Drive-In when Ollie came back from the Korean War.

They did have the Train which kids loved They also had a playground.

My Grandparents had 5 children they all worked the Drive-In. Most of the older grandchildren worked there on weekends.

Tues night used to be $1.00 per carload night.

They had the best burgers..Really great food!

My grandmother Helen Zeiler once said,“ We liked offering the Paris Community a place where the whole family can enjoy a good clean movie.” She also told me they picked all their movies from the Catholic approved movie list.

I was born in 1975, I called my mother to ask when Grandma and Grandpa closed it but she couldn’t remember. I do remember watching Grease 1 and 2 on the big screen. I remember swinging on the swings and cleaning up afterwards always finding money on the ground. I wish I had some pictures to share.