Shirley Twin Theater

803 Montauk Highway,
Shirley, NY 11967

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Shirley Twin Theater

Located in the shopping center at the northwest corner of William Floyd Parkway and Montauk Highway, the Shirley Twin theater was opened in 1969. It closed in the 1987, a victim of the new multiplexes that opened during the 1980’s in the area, such as the Brookhaven Multiplex and the UA Patchogue.

The building was converted into stores soon after closing. An Eckerd Pharmacy now occupies the space.

Interestingly, the old Shirley Twin sign remained standing for about 20 years, with it’s two theaters signs waiting for letters to movies that will never come again. It’s just recently within the last few months of 2004 with refurbishment of the shopping center, that they have finally covered the old Shirley Twin sign with a Lighthouse Plaza, and Eckerd listed under that. It is the same sign that was once used for the movie listings.

Contributed by Chris

Recent comments (view all 21 comments)

icom on November 23, 2010 at 8:25 pm

oh my god, thank you lost memory for posting that pic… it brought a tear to my eye. I sure do miss those days. thanks again for the memories.

lauradmg on April 20, 2013 at 8:56 pm

Hey…I’m wondering if any of you knew my dad..he managed the theatre until 1977 or so – Serge Maynard. He passed away several years ago, and I’d love to hear your memories of him from back then (I was very little). Thanks! Laura

robboehm on April 21, 2013 at 4:32 am

Laura, you wouldn’t happen to have pix to share with us.

RetroEd on June 21, 2013 at 8:08 pm

Hi Laura,

Your dad was actually the first person to give me a job. At the ripe old age of 14 I was made a matinee usher, because my cousin was the assistant manager of the theatre. In fact, at the time I lived in North Shirley and on Saturday mornings he would pick me up on Wm. Floyd Parkway in what I always felt was a really tiny red car, and drive me to the theatre. I really enjoyed working with him.

lauradmg on August 3, 2013 at 7:12 pm

Wow RetroEd…that’s amazing. I think the car you’re describing was an MG Midget. He still had it when we moved to Florida and he used to drive me around in it often. Don’t know if you’d remember this, but he also tended to ride a motorcycle to work…three piece suit with a leather bike jacket and helmet. :) I don’t have any photos from back then…but I do have some other ones. Thanks for posting.

RetroEd on August 24, 2013 at 2:40 pm

That’s the car, Laura! And I DO remember him coming to the theatre on his motorcycle, with the jacket, helmet and suit. I’d forgotten about that, but the memories are back. In fact, unless I’m mistaken – which could easily be the case, we had an alley that we let people out of theatre one to (our candy storage room was right by that exit). I THINK your dad would sometimes bring the motorcycle in that door where it was out of the way. I was so sorry that he left the theatre. The funny thing is that I was the one person he recommended to the new owners and they ended up absolutely HATING me — which, of course, made me miss him even more.

BridgeGangGuy on April 12, 2020 at 5:53 am

Lived in Eastport. Saw the movie “Woodstock” when it was first released in 1970. You had to be 16 or older to get in to see that movie (had some mild nudity), I was only 15 so I borrowed my older brother’s drivers license and got in no problem. Also saw the Beatles film “Let It Be” at the Shirley Twin.

Bridge Gang Guy

robboehm on April 12, 2020 at 12:38 pm

BridgeGangGuy that’s quite a distance between Eastport and Shirley. Better bus service in those days, or maybe the Eastport LIRR station was still open?

rivest266 on June 2, 2021 at 6:03 am

The Shirley Twin was opened by Associated Independent Theatres on April 15th, 1970. Grand opening ad posted.

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